Just last week I thought I had finally got the joke about 'we'll do it after the board upgrade'. I figured it was like waiting on the free t-shirts or quantum computing
The post counts had to be resynced, which means if the post doesnt exist in the database it doesnt count. Alot of the count came from the old ubb which never had actual posts associated with them in the phpbb incarnation of the database. I have the old DB running so it might be possible to bring those back.
If enough peeps want left side poster info the template can be modified
Man I would kill to be able to parse back through the old UBB content if it still exists anywhere. I checked in with Raw but he had a config-only backup with no content
There's a lot missing from the pages that are still reachable via the Internet Archive.
Is it correct that the forum layout is screwed up on mobile? I’m on iOS.
The archived forums are displayed in full, but the regular forums are not and you can’t scroll them. I can only reach certain forums if I hold my phone horizontal.
Inf - Leaving in it's torturous wake nothing but vicious, cannabalistic, mutated, radiated and horribly disfigured hordes of satanic killers!
Woah! Now avatars are allowed for newcomers and users with less posts.
On the one hand, that's nice, it removes the addiction of having more posts to increase from rank to rank.
The forum source code is private, right? Since no one can view for security reasons.
LegendGuard wrote: ↑Sat Jul 27, 2024 5:12 pm
Woah! Now avatars are allowed for newcomers and users with less posts.
On the one hand, that's nice, it removes the addiction of having more posts to increase from rank to rank.
The forum source code is private, right? Since no one can view for security reasons.
mrd wrote: ↑Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:23 pm
You'll note the last post in said thread is shaft (admin) telling us that all email functionality board-wise does not work.
I see. It's a pity for emails, but we can see the notifications in our forum profile, it popped up one when I logged in again.
Trying to edit/post in the topics we had (now are in Archived forums) isn't possible.
Thanks a lot, cityy and DooMer!
Another hard YES for the avatars being on the left site, if possible, pretty please.
Also I'd love to see [lvlshot] working again [[as well as bbcode in signatures]].
EDIT: I just realised that I can enable bbcode via the User Control Panel, awesome. Crossed that off my list.
If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron.
-Lee Trevino, golfer who actually has been struck by lightning.
monaster wrote: ↑Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:38 pm
Thanks a lot, cityy and DooMer!
Another hard YES for the avatars being on the left site, if possible, pretty please.
Also I'd love to see [lvlshot] working again [[as well as bbcode in signatures]].
EDIT: I just realised that I can enable bbcode via the User Control Panel, awesome. Crossed that off my list.
Yep, raises hand for avatars being on the left side and thanks to those responsible
I have noticed a slightly different design. What happened? It looks... different. This is nice, and at the same time quite scary, since I'll have to get used to a new layout.
(don't mess with me, I know what I said, don't gaslight me, cuz that's not gonna work)
I've noticed some things right away. Colours and text customization doesn't work. Some members don't have their profile pictures (my guess is the so called ranks are now gone?). Custom BB codes do not work. I'm assuming that they're going to be returned some time later when the migration is finished?