here comes the alpha-version of KING-KONG MEMORIAL, latest map for MONKEYS of DOOM!
It's set in former Empire State Building, which now - after those damn monkeys conquered earth - serves as a giant mausoleum for the monkey-invasion's one-ape-vanguard and superhero, King-Kong.

First I have to admit that the map has become MUCH BIGGER than I wanted it to be and therefore may not run on older hardware. - Would be interesting to know on which CPU/graphiccard-combination it works and on which it does not!
This work is in a very early stage and comes with lots of limitations:
- the layout is very basic and rough, with several passages leading nowhere yet
- the current textures are only place-holders
- weapon and item placement is just provisional
- the map doesn't have any clipping brushes yet (let alone any other kind of bot-optimization)
- the skybox is still empty
- !the map is not tested on any hardware but mine!
Oh, and I've put in the grappling-hook but am not sure if it does more good or bad to the gameplay

Would be cool, if some of you could check out the map and give me tips on how to improve it!
Here is the map
... And here is a brand-new MONKEYS of DOOM mod-pack, including 7 custom weapons and 7 tooney playermodels:
Hope you have fun!