Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Q3 Map Authors Maps List
I was bored today and decided to make up maplist vstr rotation so I could look through pages of the map authors and what they made when I'm in-game without having to open up my baseq3 to look at. Makes it easier to decide what maps I wanna play I guess. I have like a ridiculous amount of maps in more Icculus & Q3 folder so it makes things quicker.
I have it all in a list, but I haven't started splitting the pages yet or adding echo "" to it so..., but someone said I should cut -n- paste here. Of course you can look at most of these at ..::LvL's mapper section, but this will be a bit quicker. -hf =)
[69]Streamer - cpm2
79DieselRabbit - altarbeta, frozencolors
AciD - cpm17
[Acid] - acid3dm2, acid3dm3, acid3dm3r
acid3dm4, acid3dm6 acid3dm7
acid (germany) - cpm28
AEon - AEsafe, aearcs, aearena, aecap, aedesert, aedm7
aedm17, aeneon, aepyra, aesculpt, aetime, aetour
Akuma - akumaq3dm8, ne_duel
ALMighty- alm3dm1, alm3dm2, alm3dm3, alm3dm4v2
amethyst7 - ame7q3dm1, ame7q3dm2, ame7q3dm3, ame7q3tny1
Amphetamine- amph-dm01, d2map01ultra
Andeh-aadm1, aatourney1
Anton - gas-st
AmonG0D - high_speed, xpress
An7hrax - SS7
Anton - skytown2
Anwulf - arena66, gr_arena110
archql(china) - Tang01
AsNagrim - asnatourney1
Auhsan - auh3dm1,auh3dm2
<|3FG20K> - 20kdm2, 20kdm3, bfgdm2
Bal - bal3dm1, bal3dm2, bal3dm3. bal3dm4, bal3dm5
Beefster - harshg
bengal - minima
BerneyBoy - Dreamcast,
[BKA]CuSith - csdmtourney1, cstourney2
Bill Brooks - fpstourny1
Binaryshi - area52, PainFromSpain
<BKA]|[Cu$ith> - sithtdm1
blaster9 - q3arc1
blemish - cpm15, ffdm2, ospdm15rc3
Blurr - QIsland
Boffo - tower
Brenda EM - bemctype, bemnike, bemwoods
Bubba - cetacean, duellist, hijump, pigskin
redpill, trampoleen
BugBear - pqarena
BUN - purgatory
Bushboy - bbq3dm1
ButterB - bubdm1, bubdm2b9, bubtny2, bubtny4, bubctf1
Cardigan - carditny1-a4, estatica
Castle - casdm3v1, casdm4v1, casdm7v1, casdm8v2
Marsv1, match04v1, q3morden
Catfish - CatCath
Centaura - cpm5
cha0s - cht1, cht2, cht3
Charon - charondm1, charon3dm2, charon3dm3, charon3dm4
charon3dm5 charon3dm7, charon3dm8, charon3dm9
charon3dm10 charon3dm11v2, charon3dm12
charon3dm13, charon3dm666, charonq2dm1v2
Cold - cq3dm1
commander_keen - keenq3dm1
CoOL_bEr - sinbolik
Cornelius - schadctf
cruelstroke - lobby
CuBeBoY - q3pacman
Cyben - cyb3tourney1, platform6
cyberhazard - cyhaz3dm3
dAde - dade_1024, dAde_Rage, dAde_X, q3dAde2, q3dAde8, q3dAde10
q3dade11, q3dade12, q3dade13, q3dade14, plduel3
Daemion - dae3dm2, dae3dm3
DaEngineer - weird_wood
Darren Lafreniere - q3rev
DaveBulow - osiris
David Wolsey - qw3dm1
DECAY - praetorian
Decker-Atrocity, cpm1a, cpm10
D3$P3R4D0 - desp-dm2
DeV - devdm1, devdm2, devdm3
Devlin - q3towerod
dichtfux - spirit3ctfduel1, spirit3t2, spirit3t3
DieharD - skull
diffuze - q3diffdm1, q3diffdm2
Dim_Walker - dw_fb, dq_qis
DIXOFT<ReMiX< - q3megamix
Dlord8 - maxx
dmschaos - q3chaosdm2-HO, q3chaosdm3
dONKEY - dk_c, dk_cotw, dk_dig, dk_ft, dk_gbi, dk_geoComp,
dk_ht2, dk_ib dk_m, dk_olar, dk_olt, dk_se
dk_swty, dk_tle, dk_tyger
DOOMer - dmr3dm2, dmr3dm3
[DP] LoJiK - q3dpduel
dragee - drgcpm1, drgcpm1a, drgagr
Dru - druel2
Dubbilan - dubrhap
DruZli - Atrocity, cpm11, cpm12, d3dm3
d3dm4f, d3tourney3, ospdm6
Eggman - eggdm1
[EK] - rboxv2
Electro - ek3dm1
Elmar Steinböck - stei4_cold, stei6, stei7a, stei8a
ENTE - padcastle, padcenter, padgallery_dl, padgarden
padkitchen, padshop, padspace
Equim - eq3dm1, ne_duel
EraSerX - Dystopia, ermap3, q3mckinley
Eric von Rothkirch - rcq3dm1
ESEL - sldm2, ttow
Europa - monkshaven
Evil-Cremator - ptm, stormatordm1
Evillair - el3dm1, el3t3, el3t4, el3dm5b1, CMP1-dm6
Excelsiore - excq3dm3, excq3dm11
Felonious - feldm1
Fenix - Qydm8
Fiesling - giantshome
Filter113 - fil3dm2
Fingers - ik3dm1, ik3dm2, ikzdm1
Finko - q3finkodm6
Firestarter - fs_dm2, fs_dm3
Fjoggs - Fjo3dm1, Fjo3tourney1, Fjo3tourney2
Fjo3tourney4 invertedpenguin
fhn-SweepeR - xsdm1
Flusyndrome - hangar, hangar-pka, Hyperblast-q3, pawnshop
Foo - foo3dm1, foo3dm2, foo3dm3, gc4_foo
Foralarx - fora_match1, fora_rage, fora_rage_q3, foradm1
Friction - fr3dm1
[FSF]Moses - moses_dm6, moses_dm7, moses_dm9, moses_dm10
Fusion - fusiondm03, fusiondm04
Futo - fs3dm1
Futureprobe - safari
FxR|Jude - cpm1, cpm3, cpm8, q3jdm9
GAEL - gaeldm1
Gamma - Bloodhouse
Geiger AUA Gignatz - ggrdm1_b1a
Geit - cttourney1, geit3dm1, geit3dm3, geit3dm4, geit3dm5
geit3dm6 geit3dm7, geit3dm8, ospdm11
g1zm0 - japanc, japanctf, skeet, skeetrip
GibbaWho? - sacrament
GlassMan - gm3tourney1, gm3tourney2
gloogun - hibernia, pavilion
gnc - gnc_garden
Goose - Marsv1
Grandpa Stu - ptm
GrindSpire - gs3dm5
Grudge - grudge3dm1, lastarena
Hack-writer - frozen
Hal9000 - halctf2, halctf4b, halq3ctf7, hal_palindrome
}{ammer - Hctf1, Hctf2, Hdm1, hdm2
Harrynator - lostd
Haste - af3gate, af3hex
HELLvis -q3hlvs01
Hipshot - hipshot_dm6, hipshot_dm8, mrh_dm2, solar
hoboc1de - hobotourney1
Hr.O - hrodm01, hrodm02, htourney1, htourney2
Huan - huan3cpm1
Hubster - hub3aeroq3, hub3aeroq3a, cpm12, cpm19, cpm22
Idolator - q32thecore1, q32thecore2, q32thecore5
idsoftware - pro-q3tourney7
IMMORTAL - hammer, hymn, in_hell, vesperas
Imric - q3a2dm, q3a2tourney, xdm4
Ironuts{NAD} - nutz
izeColt - slipgate
Jacek Jackus Kozie - osiedle
Jackass - levelsq3
JaLisk0 - jalt2, ospdm8
James McDonough - tlq3dm1
Jamin Bulyk - szq2dm1ish
JAJ - quimera
Jax_Gator - jaxdm2, jaxdm3, jaxdm4_v21, jaxdm5, jaxdm6
jaxdm7, jaxdm8 jaxdm9, jaxdm10, jaxtourney1
jaxtourney2, jaxtourney3, lsjg_coop
Jester-Spaz - q3di
Jex - jex3dm1
Jherax - jher3t1
Johan Nilsson - jntourney1
Johnny Law - jlctf1, titans_ctf
Jude - cpm3, jude5b9
Juggernaut - jug3dm1
JUGULATOR - Jugulatordm2v2
Julek - jul16, jul18, jul24
JustOneFiX - johctf1, jof3dm1, jof3dm2
Juz - juzdm3
Kamarov - kamq3dm1, kamq3dm2
Kat - kat1024, katdm3, katdm5
Kaziganthe - kazdm1, kazdm3, kazspeed1, saintctf1, saintctf3
sainttourney1, sainttourney2, sainttourney3
kenBOO..!! - dmmtp
Khaile - cpm4
Killazontherun - ek3dm1, klzdeadly, klzegypt, klznureht
Killer - mkbase, mkexp, mkfingers, mkoxide
mksteel, mktech, mkvdv
kinetix - q3deck
Kit Carson - kitdm4, kitdm5, kitdm6, kitdm8, kitdm10
kitfinal, Makumba, q3dm1wide, q3ngiarena2
Knight Lore''FC - atatbase, ImperialBase, NarShaddaa, sw7kl
KODIAK - q3tbdm2
echo "[Kona]-alkdm05, alkdm06, alkdm07, alkdm08 alkdm09"
echo " alkdm10v2, alkdm11 alkdm12, alkdm13, alkdm14"
Krash - ktsdm3, ktsdm3-nofog, Ktsdm4
KU3A-GR - q3gr5
Laerth - dmmq3dm1, lae3dm1, lae3dm2, lae3dm3
Lake Trout - ghosts
Lemon Head - lhdm1, lhdm1_nofog, ptm
Lloyd Morris - lloydmdm1, lloydmdm2
lobster - lobdm01
LooF - park
LordSquart - lsdm1, lsdm2, lsdm3, lsjg_coop, ptm
lstourney1, lstourney2, lstourney2
Lukin - l3dm1, l3dm2, l3dm3, l3dm4, l3dm6, l3q2dm3
monsoon, plduel1
Lunaran - lun3dm1, lun3dm2, lun3dm3
lun3dm3-cpm, cpm18r, cpm23
macho - q3macho4, q3macho4, q3macho6
MacNeSiuM - Q3Symbolic
MaGiC-WaLKeR - Mw3Dm1, Mw3Tourney2
marschal - mrsdm1
Master Jed - mjdm2
MasterPlan - Chronic
Maxell - zastavka
McBugzz - mcbugzzq3dm7
Megaman - megadm6
mic - mictourney1a
mIKE - mIKET2, mIKEctf1, mIKEctf2, mIKEctf
Myxomatosis, pm_mikemars
Mista T - q3matt2
Mj - heatctf, maldm1
M. Kupfer - Dangercity, Quarea51, Quatrix
Monsto Brukes - q3monsto4
MopAn - pm_incognita, polaris
Morgoth - tep
Mr.CleaN - cpm6, cpm13, mrcq3t3, mrcq3t6, ospdm4
dmmq3dm4, t8dm5
Mr Herring - mrhdm5
Mr.Lake - bunker, bunker_ctf1, burning1, eg_ctf1
korea, mono, sorrow
Mr.LyCon- apocalyptic, Baradur, Neotech, PrediGate
q3dm3_ctf, q3dm4-pro, q3mrldm2
q3mrltourney1, Trajectory
Munyul Verminard - mvctf01, mvctf02, mvdm01, mvdm02, mvdm03
mvdm04, mvdm05, mvdm06, mvdm07, mvdm08
mvdm09, mvdm10, mvdm11, mvdm12, mvdm13
mvdm14, mvdm15, PainFromSpain
Myth - cf, ci, Freefall, tm4_myth, Mq3dm1
Nathan Silvers - natedm1, natedm2, natedm3
NecrosiS - necro4, necro6, necro8, plduel4
Ned Man - nedmaj, nedsctf, nedsword
NemiX - plduel2, q3nem03, q3nem06
Nickster - nkstrdm6
NightStalker - nightdm31
nihil - chaosdungeons, chaosdungeons2, q3ndm3
ninemil - cpmctf2, cpmctf3
noctis - n3tourney1, n3dm1
Nunuk - distonic_small, klcurves_small, klhights
ospdm2, platypus, plutonians, sparth
Obiwan - obiq3dm1
Obsessed - obs3dm1
on-X - on-xctf2, on-xctf3, on-xctf4, on-xctf5, on-xctf6
Painter - q3paint1, q3paint3
Pan-(G) - stonemaze
papri-K - blackstar
ParadoX - mustaine
parhelia - q3mht, q3nemesis
PattyLynn - exp12, exp13
Peej - dmmq3dm5
Pete Parisi - deadmeat, redmeat, whitemeat, darkmeat
phage - fdm1
Philfox - q3mbd
Pingu - handsofgod
=PiT=Leone - leone3dm1
pjw - pjw3ctfduel1, pjw3dm1, pjw3dm2, pjw3dm3, pjw3dm3_tourney
pjw3dm4, pjw3dm5, pjw3dm6, pjwquickie1, pjw3quickie2
pjw3quickie5, pjw3radm1, pjw3tourney1, pjw3tourney2
pjw3tourney3, pjw3tourney4
polo - polo3ctf1, polo3dm3, polo3dm4, polo3dm5, ospdm10
poub- avrdm1, bo3dm8, bo3dm8a, bo3dm9a, bo3dm10
PowZeR - jk_dm4f, jk_tourney1, jk_tourney2
Preacher - q3aerowalk
Priv - Customs, Dracula, metro, skylancer
Prophet - nm3dm1
psion - pro-bgmp6, pro-dcmap7, psidm7, psidm8b
psidm9, tfzij4, tfzse1, waxxgeo1
Psycotic - psyco3dm3
<P>Xeon - mwr
Quaker-X - qxdm1, qxdm3, qxdm4_v2 qxtourney1, qxtourney2
Quakeulf (aka Hrewty) - hrewtymp5
Q AKA QUAKIN - 1++, 5+, 6++, 7++, 16+, 17+, fatal
geo-core, outpost, QB3DM2, ptm, uberkill
Q-Fraggel - cpm14, q3fraggel1, qfraggel2a, qfraggel3
QuartZ - quartzctf1, quartzdm1
Quint - bm, dantesca, gon, gon2, Qbeast
Rainman - TD - rq3dm1, rq3dm4, rq3dm5
random - ospdm12
RasputiN - rsptn_CTF01, rsptn_TDM01, rsptn_TRN01
Rebel Assault - mythology, t4tourney1, unavi, unlimited
redfella - redq3dm1, redq3dm4, redq3dm6, redq3dm7
RENEGADE -187- - q3dmren1
Requiem - rqm3arena1, req24, req24, reqbath, reqdm1, reqdm2
reqdm4, reqdm5, reqdm6, reqkitchen, rqm3dm1
Reservoir DoG - rdogdm1, rdogdm2, rdogdm4
r3tina - rjlctf2B, rjldm1, rjldm2, rjldm3
ResidentSCUM - wmgdm1
RF|Yngwie - poa
rfw - rfwq3dm2
Richard Tompkins - rmtdm7
RivrStyx - q3wh
RKone - rktourney1
rockN79 - rfwq3dm1
Rokscott - hb3
ROODOG - bumboklaat, tribal, wolfenwinter, wolves
Rota - drum, Dum, rota3ctf1, rota3dm1, rota3dm2, rota3dm3
RotaryFist - rotary07
roughrider[A51] - rrctf2
R.P.G. - rpgq3ds, rpg3dm1, rpg3dm2
RRROOOAAARRR - hodq3dm1, ptm
r_speeds - r_tourney3i
RushFur - ishus
Sai-KO - saiko_tourney1a
Scancode - scandm1, ssub
Schulz-VR - svr_wb
Scourge - casablanca
scythe - strangedays
<secs.> - seqdm1
sedric - coldwar[TA], mountain64, sedistic
Senn - quake3stuff, senndm1, senndm2, t8dm6
Seremtan(stch)- stchdm1, stchdm2, stchctf9a
ShadoW (Poland) - Eplus, q3shw12, q3shw13, q3shw14, q3shw15
q3shw16, q3shw17, q3shw18, q3shw19, q3shw20
q3shw21, q3shw21_b2, q3shw22, shw_100b
Shadowdane - shad3dm1, shad3dm2
shadowland2000-aawy, cascades
ShadowZombie - mjkq3adm1_rev, mjkq3adm2, mjkq3adm3
mjkq3adm4, mjkq3adm5
Shallow[BAP] - bap3dm1, bap3dm2
ShoveL - shovq2dm1_cpm
sidious23 - pro-ztn2dm3
SiLenoZ - sil3tourney3
Sir Fragalot - gshores2
SithLord - q3strongholdv2
Shub-Niggurath - Deimos2, eyeofthestorm, oberon2, PhobosBase1
Slowtreme - q3jvx1
SmallPileOfGibs - dc_map07, dmmq3dm3
smeghead - onenightdm
Snotman - kmltourney1
Sock - bastir, batcula, blpalace, crystal, simetrik
mg_final, monolith, pom_bots
Sokar - sokar3d, sokar3dm3, sokar3dm5, sokar3dm6
$p@cE - fabtourney2, spacedm1
Sparky -
echo "Pro-ctf1 Pro-dm3 Pro-dm5 Pro-dm7 Pro-dm13b Pro-dm13 Pro-dm15 Pro-trn1"
echo "Pro-trn2 Pro-trn3 Pro-trn4/Pro-trn4b Pro-trn5 Excavation fff2"
echo "Hellplay Hell-Arch Eclipse Overkill2 Pro-dm11 Q3Aspirants Qxdm4B Tokay6"
echo "Warehouse Wormhole Hell-Mines Q3Dust"
SpAwN - q1dm4v2
Speaker - q3_ultrav
Speedy - leaks2
Spiike - hope, willpower
sst13 - 13base, 13edge, 13gate, 13ground, 13ground_xt
13place, 13sky, 13stone, 13vast, 13void
stecki - fff
St3v3n - Srdm2, SRtourney1
Stiven- sgq3t1, sgq3t1a, sgq3t2, sgq3t3
Strahlemann - revenga, straledm3, straledm5
StormShadow - storm3dm1, Storm3dm2, storm3tourney1
storm3tourney2, storm3tourney4, storm3tourney5
storm3tourney6, stormatordm1
subst - subdm1, subdm4, subdm5, subdm6, subdm7, subdm8
stuffy - wildwest
Suicide20 - s20dm4, s20ctf1
swar)v( - swarmdm1, swarmdm2
SweepeR - sweep3dm1
Swelt - cpm16, cpm18, cpm20, cpm21, cpm24, cpm25, cpm26, cpm27
cpm29, cpmctf1, cpmctf4, cpmctf5, nodm1a, nodm6, nodm7
nodm9, nodm9a, nodm10, nodm11, nodm12, nodm13, nodm14
nodm15, nodm16, nodm17, nodm18, nodm19, ospdm5a
Takkie - pohan3dm3, takkie3dm1
Teddy - ospdm5, ospdm13rc1, ospdm14rc1
Tek - tekdm1
tequila - teqtrny1, teqtrny3, teqtrn5
thefury - pukka3dm1, pukka3dm2, pukka3tourney1, pukka3tourney2
pukka3tourney3, pukka3tourney4, pukka3tourney5
the_nookie - nook3dm2, nook3dm2pro
THS - hauptbad, miniman
Thunda - thunda3dm1, thunda3dm2
Tigger-oN - tig_den, tig_mouldy, tig_one, tig_out
TLG|Mike - vq3_2k
(tm)centaura - cpm5
[TOR]Markand - markand9
Tscaboid - tscabdm3
TTJ - ttjq3dm1
Turbo - turbodm02
Twisted - twq3dm2, twq3dm9, twq3tourney3
twoAM - cpm7
Tymo - tymo3dm5, tymo3t3, tymo3t4, tymo200b
TymoN - ts_dm5tmp, ts_dm6, ts_pm2, ts_pm3
ts_q3dm13, ts_t3a, ts_t6
uoz - uozq3dm4, uozq3ta2, uozq3ta3
unitool - unitooldm4, unitooldm5, unitooldm6
Vadik - stalwartq3
Vondur - kaos, nemesis, uzul3
Vymmiatacz - DM-Cursed][, q3won
Wakey - winter
WaSp - davinci
weena - weeq3tourney1
..::WHAT!? - thegantlet
Wiebo de Wit - cpm9, overkill, sin, sin2, wdw3dm3, wdw3dm4
Wilhelm Svenselius - w1reactor
Willennium - w3mansion
W2k - w4warehouse
Wren Hong & Johnny Hong - HongX
wviperw - concrete, wvwq3dm1, wvwq3dm2, wvwq3dm3, wvwq3dm4
wvwq3dm5, wvwq3dm5a, wvwq3dm6, wvwq3dm7, ptm
x0r - x0r3, xsdm1
XPac - XPac_BT
Xzed - runtfest
Ygdrazil - Reine10, reine13
Yngwie - yngtourney1
Yogi - yog3dm1, yog3dm2, yog3dm3, yog3dm4, yog3dm5, yog3dm6
Zarathustra - q3zdm1
zeal0r - zl3tourney1
zer0-l0gic - zlhouse
Zihaben - zih_roof, zih_weirdf
ZTN - dmmq3dm6, ztn3dm1, ztn3dm2, ztn3tourney1
zyg0t3 - ogdm, ogdm3, OGGG1
I was bored today and decided to make up maplist vstr rotation so I could look through pages of the map authors and what they made when I'm in-game without having to open up my baseq3 to look at. Makes it easier to decide what maps I wanna play I guess. I have like a ridiculous amount of maps in more Icculus & Q3 folder so it makes things quicker.
I have it all in a list, but I haven't started splitting the pages yet or adding echo "" to it so..., but someone said I should cut -n- paste here. Of course you can look at most of these at ..::LvL's mapper section, but this will be a bit quicker. -hf =)
[69]Streamer - cpm2
79DieselRabbit - altarbeta, frozencolors
AciD - cpm17
[Acid] - acid3dm2, acid3dm3, acid3dm3r
acid3dm4, acid3dm6 acid3dm7
acid (germany) - cpm28
AEon - AEsafe, aearcs, aearena, aecap, aedesert, aedm7
aedm17, aeneon, aepyra, aesculpt, aetime, aetour
Akuma - akumaq3dm8, ne_duel
ALMighty- alm3dm1, alm3dm2, alm3dm3, alm3dm4v2
amethyst7 - ame7q3dm1, ame7q3dm2, ame7q3dm3, ame7q3tny1
Amphetamine- amph-dm01, d2map01ultra
Andeh-aadm1, aatourney1
Anton - gas-st
AmonG0D - high_speed, xpress
An7hrax - SS7
Anton - skytown2
Anwulf - arena66, gr_arena110
archql(china) - Tang01
AsNagrim - asnatourney1
Auhsan - auh3dm1,auh3dm2
<|3FG20K> - 20kdm2, 20kdm3, bfgdm2
Bal - bal3dm1, bal3dm2, bal3dm3. bal3dm4, bal3dm5
Beefster - harshg
bengal - minima
BerneyBoy - Dreamcast,
[BKA]CuSith - csdmtourney1, cstourney2
Bill Brooks - fpstourny1
Binaryshi - area52, PainFromSpain
<BKA]|[Cu$ith> - sithtdm1
blaster9 - q3arc1
blemish - cpm15, ffdm2, ospdm15rc3
Blurr - QIsland
Boffo - tower
Brenda EM - bemctype, bemnike, bemwoods
Bubba - cetacean, duellist, hijump, pigskin
redpill, trampoleen
BugBear - pqarena
BUN - purgatory
Bushboy - bbq3dm1
ButterB - bubdm1, bubdm2b9, bubtny2, bubtny4, bubctf1
Cardigan - carditny1-a4, estatica
Castle - casdm3v1, casdm4v1, casdm7v1, casdm8v2
Marsv1, match04v1, q3morden
Catfish - CatCath
Centaura - cpm5
cha0s - cht1, cht2, cht3
Charon - charondm1, charon3dm2, charon3dm3, charon3dm4
charon3dm5 charon3dm7, charon3dm8, charon3dm9
charon3dm10 charon3dm11v2, charon3dm12
charon3dm13, charon3dm666, charonq2dm1v2
Cold - cq3dm1
commander_keen - keenq3dm1
CoOL_bEr - sinbolik
Cornelius - schadctf
cruelstroke - lobby
CuBeBoY - q3pacman
Cyben - cyb3tourney1, platform6
cyberhazard - cyhaz3dm3
dAde - dade_1024, dAde_Rage, dAde_X, q3dAde2, q3dAde8, q3dAde10
q3dade11, q3dade12, q3dade13, q3dade14, plduel3
Daemion - dae3dm2, dae3dm3
DaEngineer - weird_wood
Darren Lafreniere - q3rev
DaveBulow - osiris
David Wolsey - qw3dm1
DECAY - praetorian
Decker-Atrocity, cpm1a, cpm10
D3$P3R4D0 - desp-dm2
DeV - devdm1, devdm2, devdm3
Devlin - q3towerod
dichtfux - spirit3ctfduel1, spirit3t2, spirit3t3
DieharD - skull
diffuze - q3diffdm1, q3diffdm2
Dim_Walker - dw_fb, dq_qis
DIXOFT<ReMiX< - q3megamix
Dlord8 - maxx
dmschaos - q3chaosdm2-HO, q3chaosdm3
dONKEY - dk_c, dk_cotw, dk_dig, dk_ft, dk_gbi, dk_geoComp,
dk_ht2, dk_ib dk_m, dk_olar, dk_olt, dk_se
dk_swty, dk_tle, dk_tyger
DOOMer - dmr3dm2, dmr3dm3
[DP] LoJiK - q3dpduel
dragee - drgcpm1, drgcpm1a, drgagr
Dru - druel2
Dubbilan - dubrhap
DruZli - Atrocity, cpm11, cpm12, d3dm3
d3dm4f, d3tourney3, ospdm6
Eggman - eggdm1
[EK] - rboxv2
Electro - ek3dm1
Elmar Steinböck - stei4_cold, stei6, stei7a, stei8a
ENTE - padcastle, padcenter, padgallery_dl, padgarden
padkitchen, padshop, padspace
Equim - eq3dm1, ne_duel
EraSerX - Dystopia, ermap3, q3mckinley
Eric von Rothkirch - rcq3dm1
ESEL - sldm2, ttow
Europa - monkshaven
Evil-Cremator - ptm, stormatordm1
Evillair - el3dm1, el3t3, el3t4, el3dm5b1, CMP1-dm6
Excelsiore - excq3dm3, excq3dm11
Felonious - feldm1
Fenix - Qydm8
Fiesling - giantshome
Filter113 - fil3dm2
Fingers - ik3dm1, ik3dm2, ikzdm1
Finko - q3finkodm6
Firestarter - fs_dm2, fs_dm3
Fjoggs - Fjo3dm1, Fjo3tourney1, Fjo3tourney2
Fjo3tourney4 invertedpenguin
fhn-SweepeR - xsdm1
Flusyndrome - hangar, hangar-pka, Hyperblast-q3, pawnshop
Foo - foo3dm1, foo3dm2, foo3dm3, gc4_foo
Foralarx - fora_match1, fora_rage, fora_rage_q3, foradm1
Friction - fr3dm1
[FSF]Moses - moses_dm6, moses_dm7, moses_dm9, moses_dm10
Fusion - fusiondm03, fusiondm04
Futo - fs3dm1
Futureprobe - safari
FxR|Jude - cpm1, cpm3, cpm8, q3jdm9
GAEL - gaeldm1
Gamma - Bloodhouse
Geiger AUA Gignatz - ggrdm1_b1a
Geit - cttourney1, geit3dm1, geit3dm3, geit3dm4, geit3dm5
geit3dm6 geit3dm7, geit3dm8, ospdm11
g1zm0 - japanc, japanctf, skeet, skeetrip
GibbaWho? - sacrament
GlassMan - gm3tourney1, gm3tourney2
gloogun - hibernia, pavilion
gnc - gnc_garden
Goose - Marsv1
Grandpa Stu - ptm
GrindSpire - gs3dm5
Grudge - grudge3dm1, lastarena
Hack-writer - frozen
Hal9000 - halctf2, halctf4b, halq3ctf7, hal_palindrome
}{ammer - Hctf1, Hctf2, Hdm1, hdm2
Harrynator - lostd
Haste - af3gate, af3hex
HELLvis -q3hlvs01
Hipshot - hipshot_dm6, hipshot_dm8, mrh_dm2, solar
hoboc1de - hobotourney1
Hr.O - hrodm01, hrodm02, htourney1, htourney2
Huan - huan3cpm1
Hubster - hub3aeroq3, hub3aeroq3a, cpm12, cpm19, cpm22
Idolator - q32thecore1, q32thecore2, q32thecore5
idsoftware - pro-q3tourney7
IMMORTAL - hammer, hymn, in_hell, vesperas
Imric - q3a2dm, q3a2tourney, xdm4
Ironuts{NAD} - nutz
izeColt - slipgate
Jacek Jackus Kozie - osiedle
Jackass - levelsq3
JaLisk0 - jalt2, ospdm8
James McDonough - tlq3dm1
Jamin Bulyk - szq2dm1ish
JAJ - quimera
Jax_Gator - jaxdm2, jaxdm3, jaxdm4_v21, jaxdm5, jaxdm6
jaxdm7, jaxdm8 jaxdm9, jaxdm10, jaxtourney1
jaxtourney2, jaxtourney3, lsjg_coop
Jester-Spaz - q3di
Jex - jex3dm1
Jherax - jher3t1
Johan Nilsson - jntourney1
Johnny Law - jlctf1, titans_ctf
Jude - cpm3, jude5b9
Juggernaut - jug3dm1
JUGULATOR - Jugulatordm2v2
Julek - jul16, jul18, jul24
JustOneFiX - johctf1, jof3dm1, jof3dm2
Juz - juzdm3
Kamarov - kamq3dm1, kamq3dm2
Kat - kat1024, katdm3, katdm5
Kaziganthe - kazdm1, kazdm3, kazspeed1, saintctf1, saintctf3
sainttourney1, sainttourney2, sainttourney3
kenBOO..!! - dmmtp
Khaile - cpm4
Killazontherun - ek3dm1, klzdeadly, klzegypt, klznureht
Killer - mkbase, mkexp, mkfingers, mkoxide
mksteel, mktech, mkvdv
kinetix - q3deck
Kit Carson - kitdm4, kitdm5, kitdm6, kitdm8, kitdm10
kitfinal, Makumba, q3dm1wide, q3ngiarena2
Knight Lore''FC - atatbase, ImperialBase, NarShaddaa, sw7kl
KODIAK - q3tbdm2
echo "[Kona]-alkdm05, alkdm06, alkdm07, alkdm08 alkdm09"
echo " alkdm10v2, alkdm11 alkdm12, alkdm13, alkdm14"
Krash - ktsdm3, ktsdm3-nofog, Ktsdm4
KU3A-GR - q3gr5
Laerth - dmmq3dm1, lae3dm1, lae3dm2, lae3dm3
Lake Trout - ghosts
Lemon Head - lhdm1, lhdm1_nofog, ptm
Lloyd Morris - lloydmdm1, lloydmdm2
lobster - lobdm01
LooF - park
LordSquart - lsdm1, lsdm2, lsdm3, lsjg_coop, ptm
lstourney1, lstourney2, lstourney2
Lukin - l3dm1, l3dm2, l3dm3, l3dm4, l3dm6, l3q2dm3
monsoon, plduel1
Lunaran - lun3dm1, lun3dm2, lun3dm3
lun3dm3-cpm, cpm18r, cpm23
macho - q3macho4, q3macho4, q3macho6
MacNeSiuM - Q3Symbolic
MaGiC-WaLKeR - Mw3Dm1, Mw3Tourney2
marschal - mrsdm1
Master Jed - mjdm2
MasterPlan - Chronic
Maxell - zastavka
McBugzz - mcbugzzq3dm7
Megaman - megadm6
mic - mictourney1a
mIKE - mIKET2, mIKEctf1, mIKEctf2, mIKEctf
Myxomatosis, pm_mikemars
Mista T - q3matt2
Mj - heatctf, maldm1
M. Kupfer - Dangercity, Quarea51, Quatrix
Monsto Brukes - q3monsto4
MopAn - pm_incognita, polaris
Morgoth - tep
Mr.CleaN - cpm6, cpm13, mrcq3t3, mrcq3t6, ospdm4
dmmq3dm4, t8dm5
Mr Herring - mrhdm5
Mr.Lake - bunker, bunker_ctf1, burning1, eg_ctf1
korea, mono, sorrow
Mr.LyCon- apocalyptic, Baradur, Neotech, PrediGate
q3dm3_ctf, q3dm4-pro, q3mrldm2
q3mrltourney1, Trajectory
Munyul Verminard - mvctf01, mvctf02, mvdm01, mvdm02, mvdm03
mvdm04, mvdm05, mvdm06, mvdm07, mvdm08
mvdm09, mvdm10, mvdm11, mvdm12, mvdm13
mvdm14, mvdm15, PainFromSpain
Myth - cf, ci, Freefall, tm4_myth, Mq3dm1
Nathan Silvers - natedm1, natedm2, natedm3
NecrosiS - necro4, necro6, necro8, plduel4
Ned Man - nedmaj, nedsctf, nedsword
NemiX - plduel2, q3nem03, q3nem06
Nickster - nkstrdm6
NightStalker - nightdm31
nihil - chaosdungeons, chaosdungeons2, q3ndm3
ninemil - cpmctf2, cpmctf3
noctis - n3tourney1, n3dm1
Nunuk - distonic_small, klcurves_small, klhights
ospdm2, platypus, plutonians, sparth
Obiwan - obiq3dm1
Obsessed - obs3dm1
on-X - on-xctf2, on-xctf3, on-xctf4, on-xctf5, on-xctf6
Painter - q3paint1, q3paint3
Pan-(G) - stonemaze
papri-K - blackstar
ParadoX - mustaine
parhelia - q3mht, q3nemesis
PattyLynn - exp12, exp13
Peej - dmmq3dm5
Pete Parisi - deadmeat, redmeat, whitemeat, darkmeat
phage - fdm1
Philfox - q3mbd
Pingu - handsofgod
=PiT=Leone - leone3dm1
pjw - pjw3ctfduel1, pjw3dm1, pjw3dm2, pjw3dm3, pjw3dm3_tourney
pjw3dm4, pjw3dm5, pjw3dm6, pjwquickie1, pjw3quickie2
pjw3quickie5, pjw3radm1, pjw3tourney1, pjw3tourney2
pjw3tourney3, pjw3tourney4
polo - polo3ctf1, polo3dm3, polo3dm4, polo3dm5, ospdm10
poub- avrdm1, bo3dm8, bo3dm8a, bo3dm9a, bo3dm10
PowZeR - jk_dm4f, jk_tourney1, jk_tourney2
Preacher - q3aerowalk
Priv - Customs, Dracula, metro, skylancer
Prophet - nm3dm1
psion - pro-bgmp6, pro-dcmap7, psidm7, psidm8b
psidm9, tfzij4, tfzse1, waxxgeo1
Psycotic - psyco3dm3
<P>Xeon - mwr
Quaker-X - qxdm1, qxdm3, qxdm4_v2 qxtourney1, qxtourney2
Quakeulf (aka Hrewty) - hrewtymp5
Q AKA QUAKIN - 1++, 5+, 6++, 7++, 16+, 17+, fatal
geo-core, outpost, QB3DM2, ptm, uberkill
Q-Fraggel - cpm14, q3fraggel1, qfraggel2a, qfraggel3
QuartZ - quartzctf1, quartzdm1
Quint - bm, dantesca, gon, gon2, Qbeast
Rainman - TD - rq3dm1, rq3dm4, rq3dm5
random - ospdm12
RasputiN - rsptn_CTF01, rsptn_TDM01, rsptn_TRN01
Rebel Assault - mythology, t4tourney1, unavi, unlimited
redfella - redq3dm1, redq3dm4, redq3dm6, redq3dm7
RENEGADE -187- - q3dmren1
Requiem - rqm3arena1, req24, req24, reqbath, reqdm1, reqdm2
reqdm4, reqdm5, reqdm6, reqkitchen, rqm3dm1
Reservoir DoG - rdogdm1, rdogdm2, rdogdm4
r3tina - rjlctf2B, rjldm1, rjldm2, rjldm3
ResidentSCUM - wmgdm1
RF|Yngwie - poa
rfw - rfwq3dm2
Richard Tompkins - rmtdm7
RivrStyx - q3wh
RKone - rktourney1
rockN79 - rfwq3dm1
Rokscott - hb3
ROODOG - bumboklaat, tribal, wolfenwinter, wolves
Rota - drum, Dum, rota3ctf1, rota3dm1, rota3dm2, rota3dm3
RotaryFist - rotary07
roughrider[A51] - rrctf2
R.P.G. - rpgq3ds, rpg3dm1, rpg3dm2
RRROOOAAARRR - hodq3dm1, ptm
r_speeds - r_tourney3i
RushFur - ishus
Sai-KO - saiko_tourney1a
Scancode - scandm1, ssub
Schulz-VR - svr_wb
Scourge - casablanca
scythe - strangedays
<secs.> - seqdm1
sedric - coldwar[TA], mountain64, sedistic
Senn - quake3stuff, senndm1, senndm2, t8dm6
Seremtan(stch)- stchdm1, stchdm2, stchctf9a
ShadoW (Poland) - Eplus, q3shw12, q3shw13, q3shw14, q3shw15
q3shw16, q3shw17, q3shw18, q3shw19, q3shw20
q3shw21, q3shw21_b2, q3shw22, shw_100b
Shadowdane - shad3dm1, shad3dm2
shadowland2000-aawy, cascades
ShadowZombie - mjkq3adm1_rev, mjkq3adm2, mjkq3adm3
mjkq3adm4, mjkq3adm5
Shallow[BAP] - bap3dm1, bap3dm2
ShoveL - shovq2dm1_cpm
sidious23 - pro-ztn2dm3
SiLenoZ - sil3tourney3
Sir Fragalot - gshores2
SithLord - q3strongholdv2
Shub-Niggurath - Deimos2, eyeofthestorm, oberon2, PhobosBase1
Slowtreme - q3jvx1
SmallPileOfGibs - dc_map07, dmmq3dm3
smeghead - onenightdm
Snotman - kmltourney1
Sock - bastir, batcula, blpalace, crystal, simetrik
mg_final, monolith, pom_bots
Sokar - sokar3d, sokar3dm3, sokar3dm5, sokar3dm6
$p@cE - fabtourney2, spacedm1
Sparky -
echo "Pro-ctf1 Pro-dm3 Pro-dm5 Pro-dm7 Pro-dm13b Pro-dm13 Pro-dm15 Pro-trn1"
echo "Pro-trn2 Pro-trn3 Pro-trn4/Pro-trn4b Pro-trn5 Excavation fff2"
echo "Hellplay Hell-Arch Eclipse Overkill2 Pro-dm11 Q3Aspirants Qxdm4B Tokay6"
echo "Warehouse Wormhole Hell-Mines Q3Dust"
SpAwN - q1dm4v2
Speaker - q3_ultrav
Speedy - leaks2
Spiike - hope, willpower
sst13 - 13base, 13edge, 13gate, 13ground, 13ground_xt
13place, 13sky, 13stone, 13vast, 13void
stecki - fff
St3v3n - Srdm2, SRtourney1
Stiven- sgq3t1, sgq3t1a, sgq3t2, sgq3t3
Strahlemann - revenga, straledm3, straledm5
StormShadow - storm3dm1, Storm3dm2, storm3tourney1
storm3tourney2, storm3tourney4, storm3tourney5
storm3tourney6, stormatordm1
subst - subdm1, subdm4, subdm5, subdm6, subdm7, subdm8
stuffy - wildwest
Suicide20 - s20dm4, s20ctf1
swar)v( - swarmdm1, swarmdm2
SweepeR - sweep3dm1
Swelt - cpm16, cpm18, cpm20, cpm21, cpm24, cpm25, cpm26, cpm27
cpm29, cpmctf1, cpmctf4, cpmctf5, nodm1a, nodm6, nodm7
nodm9, nodm9a, nodm10, nodm11, nodm12, nodm13, nodm14
nodm15, nodm16, nodm17, nodm18, nodm19, ospdm5a
Takkie - pohan3dm3, takkie3dm1
Teddy - ospdm5, ospdm13rc1, ospdm14rc1
Tek - tekdm1
tequila - teqtrny1, teqtrny3, teqtrn5
thefury - pukka3dm1, pukka3dm2, pukka3tourney1, pukka3tourney2
pukka3tourney3, pukka3tourney4, pukka3tourney5
the_nookie - nook3dm2, nook3dm2pro
THS - hauptbad, miniman
Thunda - thunda3dm1, thunda3dm2
Tigger-oN - tig_den, tig_mouldy, tig_one, tig_out
TLG|Mike - vq3_2k
(tm)centaura - cpm5
[TOR]Markand - markand9
Tscaboid - tscabdm3
TTJ - ttjq3dm1
Turbo - turbodm02
Twisted - twq3dm2, twq3dm9, twq3tourney3
twoAM - cpm7
Tymo - tymo3dm5, tymo3t3, tymo3t4, tymo200b
TymoN - ts_dm5tmp, ts_dm6, ts_pm2, ts_pm3
ts_q3dm13, ts_t3a, ts_t6
uoz - uozq3dm4, uozq3ta2, uozq3ta3
unitool - unitooldm4, unitooldm5, unitooldm6
Vadik - stalwartq3
Vondur - kaos, nemesis, uzul3
Vymmiatacz - DM-Cursed][, q3won
Wakey - winter
WaSp - davinci
weena - weeq3tourney1
..::WHAT!? - thegantlet
Wiebo de Wit - cpm9, overkill, sin, sin2, wdw3dm3, wdw3dm4
Wilhelm Svenselius - w1reactor
Willennium - w3mansion
W2k - w4warehouse
Wren Hong & Johnny Hong - HongX
wviperw - concrete, wvwq3dm1, wvwq3dm2, wvwq3dm3, wvwq3dm4
wvwq3dm5, wvwq3dm5a, wvwq3dm6, wvwq3dm7, ptm
x0r - x0r3, xsdm1
XPac - XPac_BT
Xzed - runtfest
Ygdrazil - Reine10, reine13
Yngwie - yngtourney1
Yogi - yog3dm1, yog3dm2, yog3dm3, yog3dm4, yog3dm5, yog3dm6
Zarathustra - q3zdm1
zeal0r - zl3tourney1
zer0-l0gic - zlhouse
Zihaben - zih_roof, zih_weirdf
ZTN - dmmq3dm6, ztn3dm1, ztn3dm2, ztn3tourney1
zyg0t3 - ogdm, ogdm3, OGGG1
Last edited by AEon on Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Just fixed the caps for "AEon" :)
Reason: Just fixed the caps for "AEon" :)
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
you mustve been really bored
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
yep..all out of smoke
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Yo v1l3
Nice maplist. Be told that [Acid] and acid(germany) are the same persons (me)
Nice maplist. Be told that [Acid] and acid(germany) are the same persons (me)
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Well..I guess it's not as bad as how I confused you for being the Acid that made cpm17, when I reviewed your map acid3dm3 over at ..::LvL years back I guess I just name all of the different Acid's seperately now.
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Yeah, acid can be pretty confusing at times
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
hehehe, yes very much so.
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
I made way more maps than that hehe
Maybe I should make a new level just for kicks hehe.
Maybe I should make a new level just for kicks hehe.
- Russell Meakim AKA The Castle
Portfolio: http://castledoes.carbonmade.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/zZCastleZz
Tsu: https://www.tsu.co/zZCastleZz
Twitter: @zZCastleZz
Portfolio: http://castledoes.carbonmade.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/zZCastleZz
Tsu: https://www.tsu.co/zZCastleZz
Twitter: @zZCastleZz
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Yeah, you should! I know you have more than that, but those are just the ones I have set-up at the moment.Castle wrote:Maybe I should make a new level just for kicks hehe.
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
A few additional maps without those you already mentioned above (were I was able to verify it):
A10K - Running Around, High in the Sky, Simplicity (2)
a 15 years old guy from Austria - Hello out there!
ALMighty - Arena 13, Darkness of Christ, LANS Asteroid, Power Metal
Aardappel - Curvy (aka Slopy:Arena)
acid - bern.stein.zimmer, even darker, rush to the disco, rushed, shaman&dragon, shaman&dragon (remix), unbalanced, unbalanced II
Adrian Kurtin - Sewer
Aeternus - Ascension to Uncertainty
Agent Orange - Chickenteam CTF - Rocky Rampage, The Art of Kanly
Akuma - HardWired, Outpost 0240
Alcatraz - Source of Agony
Alcatraz / Nunuk / Sock - ChiropteraDM, ChiropteraTA
Alchemist - Tubular Transport
amethyst7 - Alatair Keep, Head in the Clouds, Sleep to Dream, Sweet Surrender, Take to the Sky, Take to the Sky (Tornado Remix)
Amphetamine - Entryway Ultra Remix, Eternal Arenas, Tekkno Tournament, The Strange House
An7hrax - Storm Sector 7
Andeh - Andeh's Arena
Anthrax - Free Fire Zone, The Bunker
Anton - Ancient Ways, Chemical Arena, Gravity Lab - Painkeep Arena, Lava Pit, Skytown, Skytown II, Towers of death, Utopia
Antonio Valcarcel - The Place Of Many Captures
Anwulf - ...eam reliqui marmor, Fiemus Ravi, subtilis et simplex, The Janus Syndrome,
apfrag - fraghouse
Apocalypso the Miraculous - Abomination Complex, Heavy Metal Machine,
Arcana - Temple of Nanna called Sin
Arcane & Krusty - The Tas Tier v1.1
armageddon - The Colosseum
Armageddon - The Killer Rig
Arshish - The Shortest Yard (2)
arshishb - The Fire Temple
Atle Holm - DA PAK, Innate
AzrKnight - The Crossroads
aVe - Last Minutes Of Pompeii
Just noticed the slight difference to v1l3's contribution, that is that he seemed to have written the bsp's names, if I'm not mistaken. If the bsp's names are the ones to be written into this list, I can't add much more maps, because the "a"-authors were mostly collected with lvl-world. So I'll kindly stop here and wait for v1le's comment if that kind of "work" I've done with the letter "a" is of any usage to him; most probably I'll receive something like "you ruined my list! because many of these names are different from their bsp's names!" Let's just wait and see...
A10K - Running Around, High in the Sky, Simplicity (2)
a 15 years old guy from Austria - Hello out there!
ALMighty - Arena 13, Darkness of Christ, LANS Asteroid, Power Metal
Aardappel - Curvy (aka Slopy:Arena)
acid - bern.stein.zimmer, even darker, rush to the disco, rushed, shaman&dragon, shaman&dragon (remix), unbalanced, unbalanced II
Adrian Kurtin - Sewer
Aeternus - Ascension to Uncertainty
Agent Orange - Chickenteam CTF - Rocky Rampage, The Art of Kanly
Akuma - HardWired, Outpost 0240
Alcatraz - Source of Agony
Alcatraz / Nunuk / Sock - ChiropteraDM, ChiropteraTA
Alchemist - Tubular Transport
amethyst7 - Alatair Keep, Head in the Clouds, Sleep to Dream, Sweet Surrender, Take to the Sky, Take to the Sky (Tornado Remix)
Amphetamine - Entryway Ultra Remix, Eternal Arenas, Tekkno Tournament, The Strange House
An7hrax - Storm Sector 7
Andeh - Andeh's Arena
Anthrax - Free Fire Zone, The Bunker
Anton - Ancient Ways, Chemical Arena, Gravity Lab - Painkeep Arena, Lava Pit, Skytown, Skytown II, Towers of death, Utopia
Antonio Valcarcel - The Place Of Many Captures
Anwulf - ...eam reliqui marmor, Fiemus Ravi, subtilis et simplex, The Janus Syndrome,
apfrag - fraghouse
Apocalypso the Miraculous - Abomination Complex, Heavy Metal Machine,
Arcana - Temple of Nanna called Sin
Arcane & Krusty - The Tas Tier v1.1
armageddon - The Colosseum
Armageddon - The Killer Rig
Arshish - The Shortest Yard (2)
arshishb - The Fire Temple
Atle Holm - DA PAK, Innate
AzrKnight - The Crossroads
aVe - Last Minutes Of Pompeii
Just noticed the slight difference to v1l3's contribution, that is that he seemed to have written the bsp's names, if I'm not mistaken. If the bsp's names are the ones to be written into this list, I can't add much more maps, because the "a"-authors were mostly collected with lvl-world. So I'll kindly stop here and wait for v1le's comment if that kind of "work" I've done with the letter "a" is of any usage to him; most probably I'll receive something like "you ruined my list! because many of these names are different from their bsp's names!" Let's just wait and see...
If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron.
-Lee Trevino, golfer who actually has been struck by lightning.
-Lee Trevino, golfer who actually has been struck by lightning.
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
yes..a good part of the maps you typed down are the longname version of some of the bsp's I have in the list.monaster wrote:Just noticed the slight difference to v1l3's contribution, that he seemed to have written the bsp's names
I actually made this list for myself, as I made it into a paged map guide, so when I'm in game I can use the console to page through it to decide what map I want to play next, or if I want to play through a certain mappers maps. It came out to be like 12 pages long. I popped it up here to see if anyone else would like to see the list.monaster wrote:So I'll kindly stop here and wait for v1le's comment if that kind of "work" I've done with the letter "a" is of any usage to him
If you want to think on a maplist from ..::LvL, than go use my maplist over at ..::LvL..there's like 700..and some maps in it. The maplist I made here has nothing to do with ..::LvL. There's actually quite a bit of maps in this list that can't be downloaded over there. I've been collecting maps for like 7 1/2 Years, and I have alot of alpha's and beta's, along with maps that could only be downloaded from the mappers site "back in the day".monaster wrote:I can't add much more maps, because the "a"-authors were mostly collected with lvl-world
In the past there were alot of mappers that didn't even mess around with ..::LvL, and just did announcements through Planetquake(Quake3) which had there maps available for download from Fileplanet. The BurialGrounds used to be a big map site along with Quake 3 Stuff and another one I can't remember.
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Oh by the way.
Just a heads up but Mr.CleaN released a new level very recently that absolutely should be on the list.
Ill get the name of the map is...
Hold on a second Did Todd release his level??
ah man Ill ask him today..
Highly recommend you guys check it out. ... If it exists on the internet...
Just a heads up but Mr.CleaN released a new level very recently that absolutely should be on the list.
Ill get the name of the map is...
Hold on a second Did Todd release his level??
ah man Ill ask him today..
Highly recommend you guys check it out. ... If it exists on the internet...
- Russell Meakim AKA The Castle
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Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
whoops as it turns out I was wrong he has yet to release the level!
My bad
My bad
- Russell Meakim AKA The Castle
Portfolio: http://castledoes.carbonmade.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/zZCastleZz
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Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Thanks for getting me all excited.
[size=85][url=http://gtkradiant.com]GtkRadiant[/url] | [url=http://q3map2.robotrenegade.com]Q3Map2[/url] | [url=http://q3map2.robotrenegade.com/docs/shader_manual/]Shader Manual[/url][/size]
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Less talk, more release something sometime ever obsidian.
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Ah Damn! He was one of my first favorites..plus his ability to be in the Osp and Cpma Mappacks. Takes skills to pull off both of them... Druzli also..Castle wrote:whoops as it turns out I was wrong he has yet to release the level!
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
wat no stchctf9a? that was the only Q3 map i ever made i thought was any goodSeremtan(stch)- stchdm1, stchdm2
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Damn..I don't have that one.. Crazy! I'm gonna have to download it tonight and play around, which is nice considering that the map queue is mostly full of crap. A New Map
I popped it into the maplist..if you say it's good, I'm sure it is.
ok played it..thats a great map man! Thx for bring it up...it's very, very playable/attractive. I still can't figure out how I missed it though
I popped it into the maplist..if you say it's good, I'm sure it is.
ok played it..thats a great map man! Thx for bring it up...it's very, very playable/attractive. I still can't figure out how I missed it though
- roughrider
- Posts: 354
- Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2002 7:00 am
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
Sweet, is good to see my last ctf map in that list of yours
Team *A51* Q3 & QL
- Posts: 22175
- Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2001 7:00 am
Re: Q3 Map Authors Maps List
bastard.Castle wrote:whoops as it turns out I was wrong he has yet to release the level!
My bad