Did a 5.1 mix of a video game remix using Audacity.
I have a pretty good surround system that I got cheaply from my dad after he bought new speakers and amp. Never did a 5.1 mix before, thought it might be difficult. What I did was not however. I exported the bulk of the track from Cubase like normal stereo, apart from background synths and guitars that I put on the back speakers, low end of the bass drum, bass guitar and rhythm guitar that I put in the sub channel, and high end of the same into the center. I separated them at 120 Hz.
Kept the back channels them the same volume as they were in the stereo mix, maybe should have raised their volume. They are there though. Don't know if the mix was the best ever to begin with, but cool to be able to separate into more channels than two and hear things more clearly. I'll definitely try it again for future mixes.
If you have a 5.1 system and wanna listen:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/x0jd2ctj8 ... s_5.1.flac
It's a shame that Bandcamp doesn't seem to support 5.1, was planning on putting it there as an option. Stereo mix: