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Topic Starter Topic: Re: The Cultural Implosion Catalogue

Canadian Shaft
Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 12:56 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

keep pretending you aren't crying about being victimized. the hypocrisy is hilarious.


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 01:00 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/g4 ... 8/?slide=3

Colbert nails people like Memphis...


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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 01:01 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:
plained wrote:
sincerity and forthrightness are not signs of victimed .

maybe overcompensating with rabid attacks are tho , if ego was in control ey

Don't take it personally, you never have before. And you have always held yourself to a higher level than the rest of us to be fair, I couldn't imagine you calling someone autistic for holding a point of view that isn't your own pre-trump.

thank you sir you are my inspiration ,love to you my Welsh blood bro !

it isnt about trump tho, it is about recognizing and realizing and moving forward in a mutually beneficial positive way

for all bros ey, all

it is about time!


Lead Pipe Mafia
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 01:04 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Jesus.... and you guys give ME shit?


i liek boobies
i liek boobies
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 01:19 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

The Memphis Implosion Catalogue


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 01:25 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Women and minorities have ruined his life yo.


Lead Pipe Mafia
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 02:31 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Lol who the fuck cares? They're the minority.


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 02:34 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

to boil it down, memphis just wants a safe space (aka the whole planet) where he can call people jew and hate on women etc. without being called on it. Is that really too much to ask? It must really burn you that the N-word is censored here...

(page 3 slaughtered)


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 02:40 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

plained wrote:
oh no memph i dont think you are compelled to "smear" you dont seem to have the autisms in my opinions anyways.

i think you are a fabulously entertaining and talented writer!

let me know when you write some books so i can buy them!

i'm serios ey <3

If only you could write a coherent sentence memphis might have realized you were trying to insult someone other than him. :olo:


Canadian Shaft
Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 02:46 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
HM-PuFFNSTuFF wrote:
to boil it down, memphis just wants a safe space (aka the whole planet) where he can call people jew and hate on women etc. without being called on it. Is that really too much to ask? It must really burn you that the N-word is censored here...

Yes, yes. I'm a racist, misogynist, anti-semite that drinks blood, eats babies and squeezes the toothpaste right from the middle. Can we skip the SJW playbook and just get round to your evidence of video game misogyny? Or will the test be ending early?

Why do I have to produce this evidence of video game misogyny? I've said nothing about it...

Meanwhile tell me how long you've been itching to call me Jew?

Your thread is retarded ergo so are you.

You don't understand why some women would want a safe space away from men? You haven't been paying ANY attention.


Canadian Shaft
Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 03:16 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
HM-PuFFNSTuFF wrote:
Meanwhile tell me how long you've been itching to call me Jew?
Your thread is retarded ergo so are you.
You don't understand why some women would want a safe space away from men?
You haven't been paying ANY attention.

It was a pun. You shit-posted first. Something something crying..?
You've been trolling since the off, then claim moral highground? Bite my balls, Benton.

Women on the whole? No, frankly. Most sane women I know actually like men and don't act scared shitless when near them. Do tell me though, why we should reintroduce societal segregation. Or is it too busy a day on the plantation?

More than you, apparently. Only difference being, I don't auto-join the whiniest side just to give myself a pat on the back for being one of the good guys. Just a guess there. Can't think why else, tbh. Although, should you actually believe that women are just weak and need protecting from the big nasty world of meanies, then I'm afraid it is you who is sexist, my dear Canadianeesian fellowperson.

Dude, 85000 women a year are raped in England and Wales. 20% of all women on that island report being sexually assaulted in their adult lifetime. That's significant. Also women are constantly harassed by men in our society. Explain to me how a safe space at Glastonbury is so egregious? How has it got anything to do with you? How dare some women be afraid of men right?!?!

What was the pun?


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 03:23 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Good thing Memphis is here to decide what's right for women and minorities. :idea:


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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 03:33 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

U4EA wrote:
The Memphis Implosion Catalogue



Canadian Shaft
Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 03:41 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
I don't auto-join the whiniest side

got news for you sunshine, you are the whiniest side...


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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 03:52 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

seremtan wrote:
it's worth pointing out that most of this extreme shit has the support of only tiny numbers of women, but its newsworthiness exaggerates its importance and impact

Yes, this. And there are more and more places to get news now, too. Bloggers and Instagrammers start a story, college papers and retweets give it traction, then mainstream media gives it an air of credibility. Then you get the Rolling Stones rape story as a result. But Black Lives Matter wouldn't exist without social media, either, so there's some good with the bad. The internet has really thrown the field of journalism into disarray, and it'll take time for shit to settle back down.

losCHUNK wrote:
We give a soap box to any dick that has a voice,

We don't have to give anyone a soapbox, because nowadays everyone has one in their pocket.

YourGrandpa wrote:
I'm satisfied with voicing my opinion and moving on.


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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 04:41 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
Sure, it's hilarious when conspiratards blame mass shootings on the government, but when she tweets "This is how patriarchy can hurt men too", whilst the corpses are still warm, two hours after the story breaks, we're supposed to care about the backlash she gets?

No, call a spade a spade. If she does wrong, call her on it. Just don't make the mistake of blurring the lines between messenger and message. She's certainly not the best spokesperson for the feminist movement. Arguably Anita does more harm than good when it comes to sexism in video games, but there is a problem in the industry, and it should be addressed. By a gamer. But probably not a dude.

Memphis wrote:
Anyway so, some overly abrasive shit-lipped loser angily tweets 'Raaargh imma kill you and rape ur face bitchtits' or some such shit, which is of course, fucking disgusting behaviour, but why should this automatically make her the victim and immune to any other criticism?

How do you know that the tweet came from some 13-year-old twat instead of from some unstable nutbag with a gun and a car? The tweets should be taken with a grain of salt, sure, but they aren't all off the cuff. And it obviously doesn't make her immune to criticism; anyone who makes that claim doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Memphis wrote:
I'll just wait for those examples of why video games are sexist and why it's even a bad thing.

One could pass the time with a good romantic novel, but it's all bloody lovey-dovey stuff. Like they're just made for women or something. Where are all the romantic novels for men? And all the covers are plastered in man-nips. These fucking sexist books are oppressing my gender! #slapthematriarchy

Ok ok, my use of "running rampant" is a bit melodramatic, I'll admit. There is sexism in games, though. Not always overt shit (but a quick wander through Steam Greenlight would say otherwise), but there are plenty of examples of gender inequality and sexism in games. More on that later.

As far as your romantic novel analogy, it falls apart immediately. I don't know if that example was meant to "take the piss" as you Brit weirdos like to say, but it goes to my point so I'll humor myself and respond. First of all, I assume there are romantic novels for men, especially in the age of Amazon and Barnes & Noble. But even if there weren't, the whole genre came about as a result of all the other non-fiction that doesn't cater to women. All the other non-fiction that uses women as a reward for the protagonist for triumphing over the antagonist, or as a prop to move the plot along, or overly sexualizes them for no particular reason, or whatever. If there was a good chance that any given novel you cracked open described all the male characters based on the size of their package, or implied they all had the intelligence of cavemen, or if there were only 2 dudes in the whole book, you'd probably tire of it quickly. There's enough room for all kinds of subgenres catering to all kinds of readers, and I think it's totally fair for there to even be a subgenre of novels dedicated to rape fantasy, BDSM and everything else under the sun. So long as it's not the only thing on book shelves. But that's beside the point.

There are more female gamers than men nowadays, and a lot of them are kids. Tens if not hundreds of millions of young adults who turn to video games instead of novels for their escapism and entertainment. Kids learn social queus, mannerisms, right and wrong, and so much more from the media they consume as they grow up. When you grow up seeing female protagonists dress in provocative, unrealistic and often times downright ridiculous attire, it sends a message, however subtle or subconscious it may be, which seeps into the mind of gamers. Lara Croft has been the media's favorite example of that, but there are plenty of others. When you have 1 in 20 games with a female protagonist, it sends a message that video games are for boys. When the reward for beating the original Metroid is an image of Samus without her suit, and beating the game on progressively harder difficulties reveals more and more skin to the point of Samus becoming bikini-clad at the hardest difficulty, it sends a message. When nearly every female protagonist has the same personality, body type and wardrobe, it sends a message. These messages aren't deliberate, of course, but they're insidious in their effect. That shit seeps in over time. It's not as bad as it used to be, but only because people like Anita bring it to light. When the game development community is made up of more than 90% men, it can have an impact, don't you think?

YourGrandpa wrote:
I'm satisfied with voicing my opinion and moving on.


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 05:25 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

1. Your straw man arguments are absolutely retarded.

2. You describe yourself well in the above post. (the final paragraph)

Last edited by HM-PuFFNSTuFF on 06-07-2016 05:45 PM, edited 1 time in total.


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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 05:30 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memph will be mowing down more hookers than usual tonight in GTA V.


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 06:28 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I don't need mud. You've done a fine job showing what you are about on your own.

Good luck with your catalogue and struggle.


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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 06:38 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

to be fair its 3 thing

shit piss spit


no u

it is about time!


Canadian Shaft
Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 06:39 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Still can't write in sentences. ^


Canadian Shaft
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 06:44 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
HM-PuFFNSTuFF wrote:
I don't need mud. You've done a fine job showing what you are about on your own.

Good luck with your catalogue and struggle.

I'm most pleased that you have managed to conclude your final righteous judgement of my soul, your great Indignancy. :rolleyes:

I'd say it's more a judgement regarding your faculties and your ability to empathize with others.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 06:48 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

losCHUNK wrote:

. : You knows you knows


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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 07:39 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
You can't call her on it though. If you do, you simply must hate all women in the whole world.

I can and I will. And a vocal minority will accuse me of hating women. How many times does that point have to be made? I'm not going to worry myself with what a few impressionable morons with internet access think. I'll let you do all the worrying.

Memphis wrote:
How many internet death threats are actually carried out? How many are faked, or greatly exaggerated to get hold of a victim card?

How many need to be carried out before the threat of killing someone becomes a serious offense? If that number is greater than 0, then death threats on the internet should not be tolerated, plain and simple. It's harassment. It's a form of intimidation. It's meant to silence people. It's wrong, dude.

Memphis wrote:
I may despise her,

You really do have a hard-on for this chick, don't you?

Memphis wrote:
Steam Greenlight is hardly gaming culture at large.

That's why I mentioned it parenthetically.

Memphis wrote:
Yes, some immature devs are flagrantly sexist. I didn't buy MGSV, mostly because Quiet looked fucking ridiculous and I may as well have someone walk in on me playing some hideously awkward Japanese dating game, if she was ever on screen at the time. Capcom are also notorious for their stupendously idiotic costume designs. Notice how two of these most prominent culprits are of Japanese cultural origin? Can I start laughing yet?

Actual sexism in the industry on the whole, does get called out, as it damn well should. Stuff like the Dead Island bust, which was literally a pair of ornamental zombie tits, was not only childish, it was fucking retarded, blatantly sexist and everyone told them to get fucked. Also, look up the utterly cynical travesty that was BMX XXX - for evidence that sex does not sell games and those geared so greatly towards it that it's unquestionable sexist, go immediately into the trash without a second thought. None of that three strikes shit. No miranda warning. BAM. Into the fucking trash and done.

You sure do seem to be making my point for me, glad to see you came around. :up:

Memphis wrote:
If you believe in feminist dogma such as 'women as reward' (all recycled ideas from previous feminist movie critcs and the like), then I dunno what to tell ya, pal. Just because it's a trope, doesn't inherently make it sexist.

You can call it dogma, you can call it a recycled idea, and you can call it a trope. You're just equivocating. 'Women as reward' is not the only problem in games, and I gave multiple other examples. How many more would you like? Look, I'm not trying to say that game devs are sexist because they make chainmail bikinis. They may be catering to the market, or just designing what they like. But they should be aware of the impact it can have on their audience. Impressionable young boys see yet another example of women being treated as sex objects, this time possibly coming from a franchise they really love, or a dev studio they've developed a brand loyalty toward, and it normalizes it. Impressionable young girls see yet another example of female objectification and are reminded of how fat they are compared to the protagonist. But hey, at least it's a female protagonist! Mission accomplished, feminists can go home!

YourGrandpa wrote:
I'm satisfied with voicing my opinion and moving on.


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 07:53 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

HM-PuFFNSTuFF wrote:
Dude, 85000 women a year are raped in England and Wales. 20% of all women on that island report being sexually assaulted in their adult lifetime.

What was the pun?

Out of the 85000 (actually closer to 100k last I checked) people who have claimed to have been raped 'only' (relatively speaking) 1000 result in any convictions. Now the story made popular by far left movements is that police don't take it seriously but I question that. The police take it very, very seriously and I'd like to have some further research made into why 99% of people claiming to have been raped don't have a leg to stand on.

I mean in any other world, the other person who done the rapey rapes should be considered innocent and no rape has taken place. Why is it assumed that those 99% are telling the truth ?, I've seen 2 people claim to have been sexually assaulted, 1 of which ended up in Crown court with me as a witness, and both were lying whorebags. Those 2 are considered part of that 99% and we know this kind of mentality is becoming more commonplace as its left unpunished for fear of reprisal against the CPS when accusing someone of lying for rape.

. : You knows you knows


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 08:34 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I hate mentioning it because In that 99% there are no doubt some genuine victims, the numbers are cloudy too when you actually look into it but it is still an insanely biased number. It's why I said I'd like more research done into it.

But from my point of view it's a biased system. The one that went to court - this assault was meant to have taken place on George street bridge in the middle of the day (Memph / Donny would know how laughable that is), but my mate was still dragged through a court case where his future was left in a Jurys hands.

Then to be told that he can't get his justice is fucked up.

. : You knows you knows


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 09:09 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

She must be doing something right if you care so much about her that you're getting all riled up about it.


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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 09:41 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
Not in a university gender, or whiteness (yes, really) studies class you won't. You'd be out on your ear on assault charges before you could blink if you went off on her in any way a typical atheist would question a religion. Which is kinda the point here (how many times? etc...). we have established a vocal minority on the internets is not much a problem (funny how that doesn't apply to trolling), but that campuses have been becoming breeding grounds for such activists and it's now cropping up on the news, television, politics.

Some rare stupid college class would constitute that vocal minority I was talking about. Don't worry so much about them; those classes existed in the 60's and 70's, and the hippies didn't ruin everything. They were annoying, and I don't know about the UK, but we survived. And it does apply to trolling when people get doxxed and shit.

Memphis wrote:
But if the thus far unconfirmed answer is 0, you must lick my balls. And I never once defended sending anyone death threats. I simply pointed out why she got them in the first place. Maybe the best way to not get killed is not to parade yourself around the internet calling people racist, sexist and whatnot else with no basis in the first place? Is that not also, harassment?

We both know the number is greater than 0. The point I was getting at was that even the possibility of the number being greater than 0 makes it wrong. You shouldn't be made to fear for your life by anyone for any reason. The violence of a death threat is in the fear it instills as well as in the act of carrying it out. I'm done with Anita, you're putting her up on this pedestal as if she proves that there's some epidemic of feminist harpy bloggers harassing men into silence across the internet. :yawn:

Memphis wrote:
I was indicating that actual sexism is historically often swiftly dealt with, be it via publications, or the gaming community itself.
Commonly, it goes like this: Game with pervy armour released > Players complain pervy armour is pervy > Pervy armour is patched out > Lesson learned for next time. Number of civilian injuries involved in this process... Oh, go on... Have a guess.

There's still sexism in games, just like most other forms of media, but things have been changing quite a bit in the last few years. Character design has gotten a lot better, there are more female protagonists, fewer stereotypes. :up:

Memphis wrote:
None, 'cos it's all bollocks. Possible, tiny shards of truth, wrapped up in so much bullshit it becomes devoid of all meaning.

You sound like you want to take your ball and go home. :(

YourGrandpa wrote:
I'm satisfied with voicing my opinion and moving on.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 11:02 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
Eraser wrote:
She must be doing something right if you care so much about her that you're getting all riled up about it.

Good, solid input there Trev. You truely have possessage of powerful thinkining of the mind.
No u, etc... etc... :yawn:

Nah, I'm making a better point than you assume. Think by yourself why someone as supposedly insignificant and without authority as Sarkeesian gets you riled up so badly that you're posting walls of text about her on an internet forum. What has she done that you are scared of? What has she done that you are lowering yourself to the level of namecalling? If you know she's only spewing bullshit then it's not her you need to be afraid of.

Now, there is a true problem of sexism in the gaming industry. The number of non-sexualized women in games can be counted on one hand. Most female characters are used for nothing more than to further the male protagonist's cause, usually by putting them in a situation where they are made powerless victims (And I'm not pointing my arrows at Princess Peach and Mario here). When The Last of Us was being made, the publisher didn't want a female child front-center on the box art. When Life is Strange was being made, they couldn't find a publisher because it featured a (non-sexualized) female protagonist. Bioshock Infinite's boxart couldn't feature both Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth because of similar reasons.

I wholeheartedly agree with Sarkeesian that we're seeing a biased way of dealing with female characters in videogames. I do, however, disagree with the notion that this is to intentionally negatively portray women. I do, however, think that it is to keep appealing to this (IMO non-existant) male gamer persona who, in the eyes of industry execs, are still pimpled 16 year olds sitting in the darkened basement of their parents' house. I think it's important that people are made aware of these practices and become more critical of the content they are being served. Starting up a discussion about such a subject sometimes requires a controversial person to start saying controversial things.

We shouldn't take Anita Sarkeesian as gospel, but it's good that the discussion is starting to get some traction. The subject of misogyny and sexism in the games we play is cropping up everywhere and (and this is the most important bit) it's now being discussed by people who aren't hardline extremists like Sarkeesian and a lot more level-headed. Change may eventually come out of it and we might see more games that are more adventurous and not aimed exclusively at focus groups consisting of 16 year old males. That can only be a good thing.


Cool #9
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PostPosted: 06-07-2016 11:12 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Memphis wrote:
I simply pointed out why she got them in the first place. Maybe the best way to not get killed is not to parade yourself around the internet calling people racist, sexist and whatnot else with no basis in the first place? Is that not also, harassment?

lol? You call out people for being easily offended yet you feel harassed by Anita Sarkeesian? You must be quite a sensitive little boy at heart. I mean, look at how incredibly sad your post is. You play the victim card while it's Sarkeesian who's getting the death threats, not you.

Also, I can't fathom how you can explain why she got death threats. Tell me, Memphis, why did she get them? Because she had some unpopular opinions? Because she said things some other people didn't like? Jesus man, if that's reason enough to get death threats, then I really, really, wouldn't want to live in your fantastic feminisim-free world.

And to get back to my first paragraph, it's so funny (or sad, really) how the whole gamergate movement is calling out people for being too sensitive and too easily offended, yet it is exactly them that resort to making death threats against people that have an incompatible opinion. It just doesn't make any goddamn sense. It is because of GamerGate that Sarkeesian's videos are getting so much attention. If all these twats would've just shut their face and ignored her, no one would know who Anita Sarkeesian is.

And the same is true about all these other feminist/safe-space/etc preachers. Ignore them and they'll go away. It's the opposition that's giving them the soap box to stand on.


One Man Army
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PostPosted: 06-08-2016 04:42 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

If you wanna understand it you have to put yourself in the shoes of a minority. Imagine growing up watching tv and playing vid games where, if your race is even represented at all, they're rarely the main character or have some shitty supporting role that's really only there to bring in the 'urban market', which is a real thing. Even today, most video game's character creators can't even do a proper black skin color, it looks like fucking alien.

It's real easy for me to say that I don't give a shit about what the main character looks like, I'm a grown as man. As an impressionable kid it's a different story. You feel marginalized, like you're filling a role that society and the media has created for you. The only way to change that is to bitch about it a whole bunch, even if it's super annoying. It's not about taking away the things you like, it's about adding options. Even the people who do want to take away the things you like, which are few and far between, it's easy to understand why they're so upset. If I were black, I'd probably hate white dudes, no question about it.

Once things actually get better, and they are, then you will see less extremes on both sides. It's an inevitable boiling point just before big change.


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PostPosted: 06-08-2016 04:51 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

imo everybody has some type of descrim against them

for ex

good looking
unlimited thinking

not just shaded people or peeps with pussys!

imo the prob is the annoying samers (love-to-line-up-bum-sniffers) with tiny outlooks that bully and shame and campaign people into conforming into lame idiots.

it is about time!


One Man Army
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PostPosted: 06-08-2016 05:02 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Once we get to a point where Scarlett Johanson doesn't have to play Japanese characters because Hollywood doesn't think they can sell a movie with an Asian lead, then we can focus on those things.


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PostPosted: 06-08-2016 05:48 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

imo that stuff is directly related

when people conform and weed those things out of themselves and genericize they get embittered, real embittered.

they start to subconsciously get the idea that everybody should think and do what they do and think and get real cra cra about it, totally illogical and inflexible and delusional to thier narrow mindedness.

imo i have never met a hater that wasnt racist.

its hidden

it is about time!


Truffle Shuffle
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PostPosted: 06-08-2016 05:57 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

DooMer wrote:
Once we get to a point where Scarlett Johanson doesn't have to play Japanese characters because Hollywood doesn't think they can sell a movie with an Asian lead, then we can focus on those things.

It's Scarlett Johanson.

For your other post -

The flip side to your arguement is, if you turn it into sex's for a second, you end up with silly shit like our Labour cabinet having a 50/50 split of males/females to appease the voices of under representation. I've worked for companys that have quotas on the amount of minorities they should recruit just so they can say they employ X amount and are so diverse. That's fucking racist to me, like it's some fucking handicap ?

Drawing the race line in the 1st place is the problem, and wether its films or games, for varying reasons, should be allowed the freedom to chose as they wish without having to appease X amount of sjw's.

I hate this white privlidge bullshit like it's some modern revelation that we've all been stuffed up our own arse n all. It's almost a racist idea as it assumes all white people grow up under the same conditions. Black people can't graduate for being poor ?, welcome to the club digger. It also assumes a white person can't be the victim of racism. There's fucking loads but the long to the short is we all grow up within the same society that has a mix of many different races that are all represented to different levels who are exposed to different life challenges, including whites.

You might aswell replace it with the phrase 'at the end of the day...'

. : You knows you knows

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