
Fjoggs-design-X -maps
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Author:  Fjoggs [ 07-08-2005 08:25 AM ]
Post subject:  Fjoggs-design-X -maps

Well, eh, during the last year I've been creating various small design projects, that I knew wasn't really gonna get anywhere, but it was fun.
So I decided to post them here to maybe let people get some ideas/inspiration from there or to see how I constructed them.

It's just 4 of them, and you've seen two of 'em already.

If you decide to continue or use them as inspiration, it would be nice to get a little credit for it. :)

-map file

Q-Fraggel's texture set. Was eventually going to be Fjo3dm1, but it never got there.

http://img123.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... gn17le.jpg

Socks egypt textures. A bit different then other egypt maps perhaps? It's really small though. Just a high+small 'hallway'


That nature map using various textures, including Kells lovely rock tex.
This shot is the entire thing, but it contains 1700 brushes.

http://img123.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... gn30bn.jpg

Black_Dogs map. :P I started to create this after he said I should make a eQ2 map. Was gonna create a baselike 'SP' map just to look around, and I might finish it sometime.


The download link:
pcgamemods.com (9.91mb)

Author:  voodoochopstiks [ 07-08-2005 08:49 AM ]
Post subject: 

#1 and #4 are quite lovely.

#3 is very nice, but I'm really not feeling the vibe much.

I'm not liking #2, sorta half-crummy random vertex fuckery if I'm gonna be crude about it :D. (Not to cause offense, but I know you can do alot better than those arches. Although, this might be bad taste from my side.)

I've been having trouble decorating things lately, perhaps this can help me get inspired :D

Author:  obsidian [ 07-08-2005 02:12 PM ]
Post subject: 

Would be cool to have some sort of competition where they take your existing map and build around it.

Author:  Fjoggs [ 07-08-2005 05:16 PM ]
Post subject: 

Heh, that could been interesting. :]

I've worked on one more, can't be arsed to upload it yet though, but here's a screenshot.


Author:  voodoochopstiks [ 07-09-2005 05:27 AM ]
Post subject: 

Wow, that looks cool :D Only thing I'm not liking(that also happends to be something that looks like a bit of random vertexfuckery) is the arch thing in the middle of the picture. It's alot better than the #2 arches but it sort of detracts from the rest of the scene, or perhaps it just needs to lose the turn-ins on the bottom, and protrude less in the middle. Currently, it smells rather "pointless" to me, also, make sure to highlight those cool edge blocks on the side of it a bit more, they are sort of dark now and hard to spot. Lovely atmosphere however, I'm definately "feeling" it.

Author:  Lenard [ 07-09-2005 01:27 PM ]
Post subject: 

PSHHH #3 is insanely amazing. It is a wonderfull aesthetic.

Fjo: What ever happened to that map that was all grey with all the pipes? Did you ever release it in any form? I am sure you've moved past that by now, but I would like to see it some time.

I think that you should finnish off all these maps and release a seriousley unconventional new-age map pack. If you flaunt it a bit you are sure to be recruited by a next-gen production team somewhere.

Author:  voodoochopstiks [ 07-10-2005 03:45 PM ]
Post subject: 

Fjoggs already got offered a job at Raven a while ago, so I think he could get a job at most gamedev studios looking for level designers.

Author:  StormShadow [ 07-12-2005 10:51 AM ]
Post subject: 

why dont u put all that shit together and make one big ass map? :D

btw, that last screenie is gorgeous.. very impressive brushwork

Author:  axbaby [ 07-15-2005 10:26 PM ]
Post subject: 

i remember the day i made better maps then Fjoggs and my maps sucked.

downloads in envy

Author:  Scourge [ 07-15-2005 10:32 PM ]
Post subject: 

Friggin' nice Fjoggs. :icon14:

Oh, and:



Author:  Hipshot [ 07-16-2005 02:47 AM ]
Post subject: 

#3 Looked great! SW-potential here.

Author:  Fjoggs [ 07-16-2005 06:09 AM ]
Post subject: 

Cheers on the nice comments. :)

Lenard: I stopped worked on it, and then it got lost in a format a long time ago. It wasn't too impressive anyway. I might try to create something similar in the future.

Storm: Cool idea, altough I'm too lazy to do it. :p

Ax: oldie and goldie. ;]

scourge: :lol: that icon is just .. ! :icon25:

Hipshot: what do you mean by SW ?

Author:  voodoochopstiks [ 07-16-2005 06:56 AM ]
Post subject: 

Hipshot I am really hating your abbreviations, you use them in msn too, work those fingers a bit more please!

Author:  Hipshot [ 07-16-2005 02:48 PM ]
Post subject: 

Choose between Sand Wedge and Star Wars and go from there...

Author:  Infernis [ 04-13-2013 06:05 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fjoggs-design-X -maps

Talking about impossible odds, but does someone have a backup of the files Fjoggs posted?

Author:  seremtan [ 04-13-2013 09:51 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fjoggs-design-X -maps

2 and 4 appear to be so awesome, they've actually violated imageshack's TOS

Author:  Fjoggs [ 05-14-2013 02:13 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fjoggs-design-X -maps

Infernis: Do you still need them? Pretty sure I have all the .mapfiles on my computer right here.

No idea what my pictures have done to violate TOS. :P

Author:  Infernis [ 05-15-2013 12:07 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fjoggs-design-X -maps

Hell yeah!

Author:  Fjoggs [ 05-19-2013 03:57 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fjoggs-design-X -maps

Having some troubles with my server at the moment. Will upload them as soon as I can get in contact with my brother.

Author:  Infernis [ 05-27-2013 11:26 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fjoggs-design-X -maps

Any luck Fjoggs?

Author:  Fjoggs [ 05-30-2013 09:15 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fjoggs-design-X -maps

Sorry man, have been real busy finishing my bachelors paper these days. But all sorted out now.
These are just the .map files, no textures are included.
Here you go: http://fjoggs.com/maps/Mapfiles/Fjoggs-design.zip

Author:  Infernis [ 05-31-2013 06:09 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: Fjoggs-design-X -maps

Thank you!

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