Extended version of "Eviscerated" from Quake Live, based on my CTF version of q3dm4. So tecnically it's not a rip from QL, but I borrowed a lot of stuff.
The last 2 pictures showing an already slightly newer version. I changed the bend stairs near the YA to make the room a little bit more interesting and the back wall less bland.
Looks greast. Love how timeless the more classic q3 feel is.
Do you ever release the .map files for your project? I'm curous how you're lighting your maps. It's very clean
I started adding the .map file to all my pk3s very early on, because it's nice for anyone who's curious + as a bonus you're basically making backups should you ever lose the original.
@Fjoggs: No, I'm not really releasing the map files. I hope this keeps the "noobs" from fiddling around with my maps and uploading stuff that's probably causng shader conflicts with my original maps. :rolleyes:
Most of the time I compile with "-fast -filter -dirty -patchshadows"
Then I also use a lot of point lights for fine tuning the different areas. So, no magic here. Just a lot of testing and tuning.
But if you want to take a look inside, I uploaded the mapfile for you here: https://sst13.de/dev/
[url=https://sst13.de]Q3A Maps - by sst13[/url]
[url=https://steamcommunity.com/id/_sst13_/myworkshopfiles]Quake Live Workshop[/url]
I'm so happy to see all these maps coming out lately. Thanks for continuing on like you do, sst13. I've sunk so much money into systems to run current games, and I find myself just wanting to play Quake 3 instead lately. The world seems messed up right now, and this game is the only thing that keeps me sane! I love this map, dude.
@Fjoggs: No, I'm not really releasing the map files. I hope this keeps the "noobs" from fiddling around with my maps and uploading stuff that's probably causng shader conflicts with my original maps. :rolleyes:
Most of the time I compile with "-fast -filter -dirty -patchshadows"
Then I also use a lot of point lights for fine tuning the different areas. So, no magic here. Just a lot of testing and tuning.
But if you want to take a look inside, I uploaded the mapfile for you here: https://sst13.de/dev/
Much love for sharing it <3
People can use your shaders and textures regardless of you including the .map file or not, so you're not really accomplishing anything there. Most people use others textures/shaders without realising it, since they just show up in radiant if they're using the same q3 install for mapping and playing.
But if you don't want to include them, then that's of course entirely up to you