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Topic Starter Topic: Re: Active Forum members after a decade

Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 12:38 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Turbanator wrote:
Oh and Spawn... was his nick Spawn? the dutchee with Spawn avatars.... *testing my memory now*

I think you're talking about zen?

I still have the same icon too. never cared too much I suppose.


Cobalt Adrenaline
Cobalt Adrenaline
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 02:57 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Transient wrote:
A couple people used Spawn icons, myself included. :smirk:

Not you my friend, I remember you ;)

I think I'm on about this guy:

But hard to tell, as there's no custom icon here... do remember him having a custom icon... maybe not everyone was migrated when we went to phpBB? Still insulted by that retarded decision... IGN thinking that my mini-masterpiece wasn't as secure as a platform which is continually exploited and having to be patched :miffed:

Not that I'm bitter or anything :toothy:

Edit: Not to insult the guys that migrated! Who've done an excellent job in preserving the look and feel of our community :)


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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 05:03 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Remember blood.angel.

The last time he wrote a message to me on the forum he said I was the only one he knew on here.

Where did everyone go?

BdW3 :?:
Dr.Gibbs (or was it Dr.Gibs?)
- I remember those 2 seperately got angry with the mods/admins and left, posted on Gutspiller's TheForumz for a while.
GoaGrrl - she said on the forum she'd been "lurking incognito for a while" whatever that means, then didn't post again. Alt nick?

I found out registration has been disabled so we won't get new members or people who forgot their password/lost their email account returning.

Turbanator, can't you put your Q3W archive online? Offline is no place for an archive of a website, is it? (Maybe a personal one, meh.) People complain that no-one can find the useful info that was on the forum and could be found through a search.


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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 05:22 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

DTS wrote:
Remember blood.angel.

The last time he wrote a message to me on the forum he said I was the only one he knew on here.

He always had a twisted sense of humour, bless him.

io chiamo pinguini!


Cobalt Adrenaline
Cobalt Adrenaline
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 06:31 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

DTS wrote:
Turbanator, can't you put your Q3W archive online? Offline is no place for an archive of a website, is it? (Maybe a personal one, meh.) People complain that no-one can find the useful info that was on the forum and could be found through a search.

It's just my working folders from the time, I don't delete any projects I've worked on, just archive them up. So stuff like the ranks etc are from when we coded a new revision of the ranking system. I don't THINK I have any backups of the entire site, and even if I did it would only date to around summer 2002 at the latest.


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 06:37 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote



Risen From The Ashes
Risen From The Ashes
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 07:38 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Everyone's forgetting about STD General and his cartoons :up:.

I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to track down half the past members and remind them the place still exists.


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 07:39 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

heh no. Nutsy drank a can of paint :up:
too bad he went from funny to "look im so random" to posting snuff porn.


Risen From The Ashes
Risen From The Ashes
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 08:07 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Heh I didn't remember that.

I keep meaning to message Denzii again, his website's still up so he's still around somewhere.

Say what you like about Chemical Burn but it's a shame his Q3W diary didn't continue past this:

Chemical Burn wrote:
Disclaimer: If you or some event isn't mentioned in this list, that is because A: I forgot. B: I didn't know that. C: You're not as important as you seem to think you are.
That said, here is the comprehensive (to the best of my ability) list of Great Q3W Moments.

Q3W Moments: Year One

Q3Test goes live. *security* becomes a reality.

WYD begins playing in Q3, after a long run with Half-Life. CyriC is your leader, and Dark Metal is your Daddy. >:E

(A large gap of time Ceebee does not have any information on. Donny, raw? Fill in any blanks here!)

CWM makes it to 9999 posts, then leaves Q3W to start his own board, amid a great deal of contraversy.

John Rocker gets banned.

Dark Viper, the original Q3W admin leaves with a position taken with Infogrames. Caligirl becomes head admin, CyriC and then Turbie are brought on as Webmasters (basically co-admins).

Horka Thane begins his (maybe self-vaunted?) campaign of challenges against some of the board's top players.

Duhard starts putting the smack down on players here and elsewhere and at this time, is considered probably one of the board's best players (something, like it or not, he still is).

BDI is formed by Elk and Saturn.

Khalsa is formed.

Legion becomes a mod of R&R after a stint as being a GD mod, losing that slot, and coming on again to take that position.

Q3W Moments: Year Two

I post my first skin in General Discussion...a very hideous rendition of the Conni model called "Soul Catcher" that ends up being the start of "Bad Girls v1.0". (I'm listing this not as a pat on the back, but because it eventually leads to me petitioning for the then, Bots forum to get re-worked into Bots, Models and Skinning. That's important because it's considered to be a good community resource).

This is what I consider Q3W's highpoint. CG is running a ton of really cool contests, CyriC is managing the web side of the site and keeping the content interesting, and Turb's starting all the hacks that have made this place one of the best message boards out there.

The coming of Geoff. While some of you consider this a great thing, it is largely considered a black letter day by anybody who actually contributes anything to this forum.

The coming of sys0p. (Again, love him or hate him, he was a personality here, hence worth noting).

BT gets banned for another time, amid some contraversy involving a 'rumor' that he hacked the boards.

In March of 2000 there was a q3 instagib tourney, for icon prizes.. back when about 5 people had icons. "tofudabeast" won for the lpb, and "decaye" won the hpb tourney (on q3t3 ) it was mostly hosted on Torments server, and Storyteller ran the tourney.
Neither winner ever got their icon. There was talk at one point of extending the icons to the winning clans, CC and AI. nothing happened with that. (supplied by Thor).

Playboy writer Gillian Bonner comes to Q3W to do some research for an article she writes. Some of the posters are quoted in this article (including myself and milla ) though, it comes down to an extremely heated debate.

Duhard vs. the Nachos Chicks. Duhard and his team win by a sizable margin.

Paul Steed leaves id software, June 2000 in a rather heated contraversy.

Geoff vs. Duhard. Geoff wins.

Geoff gets banned and keeps on trying to come back with a series of predictable alt-nicks.

Horka Thane starts a huge hype campaign, about him entering the CPL tourney. It never happens. Horka pulls a fade.

GSI buys out Mplayer and much of the control over the site the community had is hacked away at. This leads to CaliGirl leaving. Turb becomes admin, CyriC becomes co-admin/webmaster, and Astrocreep is brought on as another co-admin. CyriC also fights tooth and nail here to keep Q3W largely the way it was (something he doesn't get a lot of credit for).

Team Arena is released.

Q3W Moments: Year Three

Geoff comes back again and is banned again within a week by CyriC.

BT comes back for awhile, and gets banned again by Astrocreep. (too bad some things don't stick).

After a lockdown of R&R and a huge contraversy, Astrocreep leaves Q3W and starts Mapcenter (considered to be one of the developer's havens these days).

milla is named Astrocreep's replacement. Her work primarily focused on making the forums more amicable (esp. the TA forum) and getting Skin of the Week turned around to Skin of the Moment, which she maintained herself as well.

An attempt to start a Q3W tourney starts, and falls flat on it's ass.

The All Your Base Craze.

Ben becomes mod and gets himself banned in the course of a week in the single stupidest Act by any Q3W poster.

milla leaves as co-admin for her own reasons.

The destruction of PicPie and the Sega Forums.

Kaiser gets banned for Doom Warez.

CyriC leaves as webmaster and begins work on Phobos Lab.

CyriC (in his last act as standing webmaster) and Turb nominate me as the new admin, so Turb can focus on doing more kickass hacks for the site.

I bring back milla as an equal power admin to myself (rather than co-admin) share responsibilities. I focused mainly on straightening out the forums, and milla focused on the website.

Wolf Test comes out.

The Nutsy Plague. A series of poorly drawn comics by STD General that gained a strong cult following in General Discussion, though despised by the majority. Eventually these were moved to their own site, rather than the weekly postings that had been the tradition.

charliealpha takes over Khalsa.

The Newbie Mapping Contest by Grandpa Stu and Booker.

The coming of Eonix/Methyd. (Like him or hate him, E was a big personality here.)


After a large pain in the ass trying to get prizes, I get the Christmas contest kicked off (little known fact: That was supposed to be a Halloween contest!)

Turb begins Ye Great Diablo II Movement.

Q3W Moments: Year Four

The List is created by Legion.

Methyd gets banned by yours truly for being a knucklehead to Turb.

Mumblez leaves the TA forum as a moderator after the "Great ShoutCAST" contraversy.

korupt is banned and tries to sneak on with a great outpour of alt-nicks not of the likes this board has seen, since Dave and raw. All are banned.

The Great -Replicant- spam contraversy.

The Movies forum is born.

Lots of forum changes go on during this time, by the collective efforts of Turb, milla and I. New icon rules, some tightening of rules in R&R, and some loosening of others.

The WDY contraversy.

The infamous Dutchee Thread.

GSI comes once again to tamper with Q3W. Milla leaves, I stay long enough to rally the community into a frenzy and to fight for as little change to the forums as possible (to this day, I'm really proud of you guys for having my back).

I name raw as co-admin, knowing I'm planning on retiring my post.

Eonix/Methyd gets unbanned, by yours truly.

The Drama Queen contraversy in R&R.

Once everything got settled, I retire as admin to focus on my pursuit as a texture artist/skinner, mostly (contrary to popular belief, the GSI thing only had a small bit to do with that choice). raw becomes your admin (and a pretty kickass one at that).

sys0p leaves Q3W to focus on learning programming.

The Q3W record attempt for a player tower is attempted. Transient's Official Explanation to it's eventual downfall as an attempt:
"It started with DC bringing up the possibility. People seemed interested, and somehow I got dropped with the weight of being in charge (I didn't intend it that way). Later, I got loads of schoolwork, and layed low from Q3W (had little choice or notice at the time), and nobody seemed to want to take charge after I relieved my position."

Methyd and Donny do the highly contraversial Q3W Poster's Choice Awards.

A gaggle of folks leave Q3W, including Methyd, who ends up coming back...sort of.

Paul Jaquays leaves id software and takes a position with Ensemble Studios.

Sporadic Horka Thane sitings.

The Q3W assault upon the Cliffy Cam billboard.

Methyd gets banned...again, for basically the same shit that got him banned the first time.

Community modeler/texture artist and beloved little sister to the entire Q3W community, Arya passes away at age 14.


Isn't charliealpha some successful music person now?


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 08:18 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lol arya. no.

I personally regard phagstouchmygayarea as q3w's bestest celeb.
making official batman and starwars props? shit son.


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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 09:10 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

i personally regard Cumsicle Burn as q3w's worstest speller, alongside gramps
"contraversy"? shit son


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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 09:11 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

also: arya :olo:


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 09:38 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

lol, this thread...



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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 02:00 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Turbanator wrote:
lol, some interesting names in this file...

Duhard (oh jesus)
Icy (what was this fullname?)
CC.Torment & Mrs. T.

You guys remember the Arya "situation".... still undecided on how real / fake that whole situation was.

Viruseater was a funny bastard. Original nick was Storyteller
Doc34 was an obnoxious UK bastard
anticonscience left q3w and started a forum that died off quickly, just like Torment. Think it was called Netwerkin.com

Arya was definitely fake. Tripnox was doing the double account stunt.


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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 02:00 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Transient wrote:
Ohh yeahh... I remember being a bit out of the loop for that one. The Aimee Love situation, unfortunately, I was all too aware of. I learned at a young age that unsolicited nudie pics are not always a good thing. :(

I still think raw actively dissuaded people from warning me about her. Didn't someone get a blowjob from her or something? Cyric? No, that doesn't sound right... :offended:

She was a filthy whore :offended:


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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 02:02 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
lol, this thread...

It's breaking my brain trying to remember old q3w stuff. You Iceman321


Cobalt Adrenaline
Cobalt Adrenaline
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 02:42 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

xer0s wrote:
lol, this thread...


:up: :up: :up:

Speaking of :up: ... we totally invented FaceBook's "like" with our : up :


Digital Nausea
Digital Nausea
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 03:16 PM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I remember inventing that animated icon you're using...


Just another Earthling
Just another Earthling
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PostPosted: 03-24-2014 08:33 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

PhoeniX wrote:
Heh I didn't remember that.

I keep meaning to message Denzii again, his website's still up so he's still around .....

Isn't charliealpha some successful music person now?

Id that meant to be charlie bravo PhoeniX?
I only ask because charliealpha forms part of one of my other email addresses :D

Physicist of Q3W


Your Daddy
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 03:05 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Don't mention Viruseater to Joe Rogan.



Unquantifiable Abstract
Unquantifiable Abstract
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 03:58 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

seremtan wrote:
also: arya :olo:



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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 03:58 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

platnium burn

it is about time!


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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 05:05 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Dark Metal wrote:
Don't mention Viruseater to Joe Rogan.

I remember VE doing some mistrusty things to Joe Rogan. Don't remember what


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 05:06 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

yea people were pretty miffed with VE.


Risen From The Ashes
Risen From The Ashes
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 06:50 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Whiskey 7 wrote:
Id that meant to be charlie bravo PhoeniX?
I only ask because charliealpha forms part of one of my other email addresses :D

Definitely charliealpha - http://www.quake3world.com/forum/member ... ile&u=1677 - unless this is some sort of alter-ego of yours :ninja: .


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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 07:06 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I notice how noone mentioned 4days yet, he was like the best poster ever.

His posts were like poetry of an especially hilarious sort. For example:

4days wrote:
we're pretty damn cool as countries go, but i wish we weren't so fucking stupid. went to turkey last month and stopped for a weekend on some greek island on the way back, which put us on a plane full of british holiday makers for the home leg.

this hideous snotball on the row across from us wouldn't stop crying, no matter how much his flappy-breasted orc of a mother shouted at him. the cabin crew were all busy helping other molepeople perform complex tasks like unfastening their safety belts or operating their 3-button TVs - so I carefully and politely asked the young lady if I could help. It occurred to me that his ears might be hurting with the air pressure, so I gave him a couple of jelly beans to chew on. The effect was instant with the first movement of his jaw and he shot me a suddenly wide-eyed look that said "these sweaty, week old, pain-relieving jelly beans are the best fucking thing i have ever tasted, ever".

Gave his mum the rest of the bag, who said that she'd given him a little can of coke (poor fucker only looked about 3) and a colouring book already, so I had to try and explain the pressure thing and that all he needed to do was click his jaw. Kept it brief, but I thought I made it pretty straightforward. I got her to click her own jaw (which 'ooh, makes everything louder') and even used a packet of peanuts that had inflated as an example of the principle, but I could see in her eyes that grasping the concept was like trying to catch a wet cake. it seemed to be only now that she was really seriously thinking about the fact that flying meant you weren't on the ground.

the kid was quiet so i gave up and went back to my seat, crying inside a little because i don't have an unreasonable arrogance fuelled near-field weapon that instantly and silently vaporises people who fall below an acceptable comprehension threshold.

io chiamo pinguini!

Last edited by Ryoki on 03-25-2014 08:20 AM, edited 2 times in total.


Cool #9
Cool #9
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 07:51 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

He was still posting actively half a year ago or so


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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 09:09 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Ryoki wrote:
I notice how noone mentioned 4days yet, he was like the best poster ever.

His posts were like poetry of an especially hilarious sort. For example:

4days wrote:
we're pretty damn cool as countries go, but i wish we weren't so fucking stupid. went to turkey last month and stopped for a weekend on some greek island on the way back, which put us on a plane full of british holiday makers for the home leg.

this hideous snotball on the row across from us wouldn't stop crying, no matter how much his flappy-breasted orc of a mother shouted at him. the cabin crew were all busy helping other molepeople perform complex tasks like unfastening their safety belts or operating their 3-button TVs - so I carefully and politely asked the young lady if I could help. It occurred to me that his ears might be hurting with the air pressure, so I gave him a couple of jelly beans to chew on. The effect was instant with the first movement of his jaw and he shot me a suddenly wide-eyed look that said "these sweaty, week old, pain-relieving jelly beans are the best fucking thing i have ever tasted, ever".

Gave his mum the rest of the bag, who said that she'd given him a little can of coke (poor fucker only looked about 3) and a colouring book already, so I had to try and explain the pressure thing and that all he needed to do was click his jaw. Kept it brief, but I thought I made it pretty straightforward. I got her to click her own jaw (which 'ooh, makes everything louder') and even used a packet of peanuts that had inflated as an example of the principle, but I could see in her eyes that grasping the concept was like trying to catch a wet cake. it seemed to be only now that she was really seriously thinking about the fact that flying meant you weren't on the ground.

the kid was quiet so i gave up and went back to my seat, crying inside a little because i don't have an unreasonable arrogance fuelled near-field weapon that instantly and silently vaporises people who fall below an acceptable comprehension threshold.

i remember this. fucking classic :olo:

there was also his post about going to a nightclub where the women were flashing their gash at newcomers, and that it was "like looking into a portal to hell" or something like that :olo:

the man was a god among posters


The World is Yours...
The World is Yours...
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 09:21 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Turb, LegionXS, 4days :up: i love this thread more every time someone posts

Be sure your sin will find you out...


Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
Messatsu Ko Jy-ouu
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 09:53 AM           Profile   Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

That anecdote always cracks me up :olo:


Insane Quaker
Insane Quaker
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 10:08 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

i sometimes go and lookup 4days typewriter post


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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 11:42 AM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

seremtan wrote:
there was also his post about going to a nightclub where the women were flashing their gash at newcomers, and that it was "like looking into a portal to hell" or something like that :olo:

4days wrote:
remember ending up in a club with birds like that in birkenhead once after a works do. a couple of years later i found myself in the arsehole of merseyside again on a kracus type mission and the same fucking place was the only familiar landmark i could think of (except for mcdonalds. but it was late, i wasn't buying crack and i didn't have a shooter).

security was a couple of fat blokes that couldn't find a bong in a leotard. went inside and the first thing that hit me was that they'd changed the place, refined it. there was still a fast food cafeteria opposite a bar on a raised dias. the dancefloor was still between them; 10 square metres of writhing mole people swathed in colours that nature could never combine. but they'd made the entrance into a mini-stage/podium, taken down the waist-high barriers around each section and covered most of the floors, the walls and the ceiling with mirrors.

i stopped for a moment on the entrance podium, held up by a couple of blokes in front of me. it was a few more seconds before i realised the ritual i was inadvertently taking part in by waiting on the podium. everyone in there knew that new people had arrived and among all the usual details of a skittish crowd were dozens of horrible slappers in miniskirts. they'd look at you in the mirrors, then move their feet apart and lean back, exposing their sweaty, knickerless gashes into infinite regression. it was like a glimpse into hell.

dubz wrote:
i sometimes go and lookup 4days typewriter post

4days wrote:
a portable typewriter. it was a christmas present from my parents when i was 8 or 9 years old. a friend of my mothers, a woman called daphne, taught me to type.

we were sat at her kitchen table one night when she told me never to use my typewriter to write a ransom note, because the police would be able to track down the make and model. for a moment i panicked, cursing myself for having filled out the warranty card with my own details, but then i remembered that i had the same initials as my father and could pin the whole thing on him, i was in the clear.

all this flashed through my head in an instant. i managed to hide it from daphne by scratching my chest and looking at her like she was crazy. i'd deal with her when the time came.


io chiamo pinguini!


The Illuminated
The Illuminated
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 12:48 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

I loved that navigation bar that used to be at the top of teh page.
I even swiped the code to use on my old companies website. :ninja:


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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 02:42 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Ryoki wrote:
seremtan wrote:
there was also his post about going to a nightclub where the women were flashing their gash at newcomers, and that it was "like looking into a portal to hell" or something like that :olo:

4days wrote:
remember ending up in a club with birds like that in birkenhead once after a works do. a couple of years later i found myself in the arsehole of merseyside again on a kracus type mission and the same fucking place was the only familiar landmark i could think of (except for mcdonalds. but it was late, i wasn't buying crack and i didn't have a shooter).

security was a couple of fat blokes that couldn't find a bong in a leotard. went inside and the first thing that hit me was that they'd changed the place, refined it. there was still a fast food cafeteria opposite a bar on a raised dias. the dancefloor was still between them; 10 square metres of writhing mole people swathed in colours that nature could never combine. but they'd made the entrance into a mini-stage/podium, taken down the waist-high barriers around each section and covered most of the floors, the walls and the ceiling with mirrors.

i stopped for a moment on the entrance podium, held up by a couple of blokes in front of me. it was a few more seconds before i realised the ritual i was inadvertently taking part in by waiting on the podium. everyone in there knew that new people had arrived and among all the usual details of a skittish crowd were dozens of horrible slappers in miniskirts. they'd look at you in the mirrors, then move their feet apart and lean back, exposing their sweaty, knickerless gashes into infinite regression. it was like a glimpse into hell.

that's the one :olo: :olo: :olo:


Risen From The Ashes
Risen From The Ashes
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PostPosted: 03-25-2014 04:04 PM           Profile Send private message  E-mail  Edit post Reply with quote

Anyone know what happened to Quietus? He used to post on another forum I post on but his last post there was 2005.


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